The Engedi Collective

LamENT & Justice: Seeking God's Heart

John Kovacs & John Dorsey

As we begin to wrap up this series on LamENT & Justice, Pastor John and guest speaker John Dorsey give us a simple, but perhaps unexpected challenge as a means of moving forward: to seek deeper, greater, and unprecedented daily interactions with God. Corporate worship, prayer, teaching, and calls to action on Sundays are not designed to be the focal point of our engagement with Him week to week. Rather, they are meant to be a culmination and corporate touchpoint of what God is speaking and doing in our lives in the day to day. One of the more challenging elements of this series is actually connecting with various causes, challenges, and calls to action with genuine empathy towards members of our church family, local communities and the world. So tune in as we explore the simple, but profound idea that if we want to share and pursue God's heart for justice in any arena, we must FIRST seek to know Him more fully through daily relationship and interaction.