The Engedi Collective

Life in the Spirit (Romans Interlude): Questions of Nicodemus, Part II

September 15, 2019 John Kovacs

Last week we focused on the story of Nicodemus, unpacking his questions and applying Jesus's answers as they relate to the heightened clarity and understanding that comes from living Life in the Spirit. And this makes sense - according to scripture, the Spirit of God is characterized as one who teaches; who one guides; one not of chaos and confusion, but of clarity and truth. 

But as Christians, we know that we don't always have the answers - and sometimes in our walk with Jesus, we find ourselves like Nicodemus: with more questions than answers. How can this be so? And how do we reconcile this with the message of last week? Join us as Pastor John explores the other side of the coin, so to speak - the side of Life in the Spirit based on faith and trust in the midst of confusion and unknowing.