The Engedi Collective

Emmanuel: In the Dirt

John Kovacs

Often in our world today, the Christmas season is celebrated in a “sparkly” way - with festive lights and decorations, lavish gifts and holiday cheer. But when we read the advent story and we think about the way that God came to us, we see that the truth speaks to the opposite in many ways. There is a weightiness to the advent story, seen in the fact that when God came in the form of his son Jesus, he didn’t come to those who had it together. Instead, he came to the broken and the hurting and the “dirty”. And in this, we see the true heart of God - that not only did he step into the middle of our mess, but he was attracted to us! He came to those that were considered the most sinful and unworthy - and that is still true today! So join us as we begin our advent journey here at The Light Church, celebrating both the joy of the season AND the weight of its significance to each and every one of us.