The Engedi Collective

A Righteous Reality: What is "The Gospel"?

John Kovacs

We use the term "gospel" a lot as Christians, usually in relation to bringing "The Gospel", bringing the "Good News", to those who haven't heard it before, those who don't yet believe. But what really is "The Gospel" for those who already believe? What happens when the "Good News" becomes flat to us, becomes two-dimensional, and doesn't feel like a dynamic, active force at work in our daily lives? Join us as Pastor John continues in Romans 1:8-17, where Paul talks about sharing the "The Gospel" with the church in Rome, reminding and encouraging them (and us) that the grace and peace and joy of the "Good News" is more than just a one-time salvation story. It's a person, it's Jesus Christ - and it's the testimony of his active power and plan for your life TODAY and every day!