The Police & The People

Episode 13 - Answering Police Related Questions & What's Buggin' Josh

Timothy Jones & Joshua Stokel Episode 13


Today’s Show will cover:

1. We are answering all kinds of questions. You got questions, we’ve got………….responses.

2. What’s Buggin’ Josh

But first:

o   GSPCC – WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO – We want to enhance the careers of law enforcement & corrections officers everywhere. 

o   HOW – competitive hosting agreements, instructors that are experts in their fields, 

o   WHAT WE OFFER ……next class dates, hosting opportunities, leadership consulting

o   Lucas’s business

o   Any true sponsors


1. My son is a junior in high school and he's been talking about wanting to become a police officer. What does he need to do to prepare? He thinks he doesn't need to go to college to become a police officer. Is that true? 

2. I see police officers working at road construction sites. Some are jacked and some, well, let's just say they've eaten too many donuts. Aren't there standards for fitness when you are a police officer? 

3. My daughter has always wanted to be a police officer. What advice would you give HER? What is it like for females in LEO agencies? 

4. What is the strangest or funniest thing you've seen during your time as a police officer? 

What’s Buggin’ Josh

·      Closing

o   You need to get off your ass and sign up for a 5K. I have one for you – THE FOOTRACE FOR THE FALLEN in Manchester, NH. I have runt this one a few times…

§  Sign up using promo GSPCC2019 and get $5 off the registration.

o   If you know someone that is looking to get into the law enforcement profession, make sure you pick up a copy of our “LAW ENFORCEMENT TEST PREPARATION GUIDE”. We have it linked on our website – GS-PCC.COM. Once there, go to the PRODUCTS & RESOURCES tab and scroll down to PREPARATION & STUDY GUIDES and you will see it. OR, you can just do a search for the book on Amazon. 

The law enforcement test preparation guide gives valuable insight on how to prepare for each step of a police testing process. The people who succeed at getting these jobs over their competition are the ones that are prepared. Don’t get left behind. 

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