Tripawd Talk Radio

Regrowing Bone in Dogs with the Use of Bone Morphogenetic Protein

Tripawds Episode 86

Tripawds Podcast Episode #86: On this episode of Tripawd Talk Radio we continue our series to provide the complete audio from video interviews we pproduced with faculty members at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine on October 3rd, 2019. Find our edited video interviews on the Tripawds Youtube channel at Find all Tripawd Talk podcasts, and, let us know what you think of the full audio  from these interviews at

Dr. Amy Kapatkin is Professor of Surgical & Radiological Sciences at UC Davis, and we were fascinated by the work she is doing which involves regrowing bone with the use of Bone Morphogenetic Protein or BMP. We wanted to share her story of Ethel, a 2-year-old Yorkshire terrier, with a severely broken leg that never healed after multiple surgeries. Amputation was the only option if the BMP procedure was not appropriate for Ethel. So Rene asked Dr Kapatkin for details about what happened. We'll learn all about BMP, how it works, and when it can be used. Spoiler Alert: Little Ethel still has all her legs!

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