Thoughtful Mind with Tzvi

TMWT Episode 005 – Listen to Others, Heal Yourself

Tzvi Hilsenrath, LCSW Season 1 Episode 5

TMWT Episode 005 – Listen to Others, Heal Yourself

Welcome to Thoughtful Mind with Tzvi: Personal Growth, Mental Health, and Interesting Ideas. We're a podcast where we explore ways we can heal from the past, grow in positivity in the future, and find some food for thought along the journey.

In this epispode, we talk about the secret weapon that is listening to others. We discuss how listening makes others people feel, why it helps grow your empathy and shame resilience, and how it lowers depression. We then review some powerful listening techniques. 

““If I were required to choose the single essential skill from the many that make up the art of argument, it would be the ability to listen.” - Gerry Spence

In this episode of Thoughtful Mind with Tzvi:

  • Why you might be frustrated when people don't take your advice 
  • When conversation is like a tennis match 
  • How to REALLY listen 
  • Who benefits from listening 
  • What makes listening soooooooooooo hard 

Mentioned Resources:

  • How to Argue and Win Every Time by Gerry Spence can be found here

Connect with Tzvi:

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