Episode 27: The Power of Connections

Erin Wickersham Season 1 Episode 3

No matter where you are in your recovery journey, you will enjoy this conversation about the power of connections. We recorded it in late 2019 at our NYC CREATING CONNECTIONS TOUR. 

Erin talks with two pairs of women, new friends, who found each other through SHE RECOVERS. Meredith and Jenny connected on our SHE RECOVERS Together FACEBOOK page and are supporting each other in early days of sobriety. Mo and Kathy, who have 50 years of recovery between them, connected at a SHE RECOVERS retreat. Their friendship helped to deepen their long-term recovery and they both are now SHE RECOVERS coaches, helping other women discover the joy and vibrancy within themselves.

We hope you enjoy this episode - the last of 2019. We will return in 2020 with more SHE RECOVERS podcast episodes.