Paw'd Defiance

Puzzles, Puzzles Everywhere!

UW Tacoma Senior Lecturer Julie Masura. Season 1 Episode 11

UW Tacoma Senior Lecturer Julie Masura discusses her love of puzzles. Masura has a garage full of puzzles that she's completed and attached to the walls. 


[ Intro music]


So this is Julie Masura, and this is my little secret that I can't have in my home. So in 2015, my sister in law bought me a puzzle, and it was made of beer labels. And I put it together, straight, for five hours I put this thing together. And it was all this work, and my neck was sore, my hands were sore, my feet were sore, and I'm like, I'm gluing this thing together. So I got some puzzle glue, and I glued it all together. And so that was my first puzzle. You know, since I was a kid. And ever since then, I put puzzles together all the time. And I can't stop. So I have this total addiction to puzzles. I love them. I prefer ones that have different colors, but sometimes I like to do like Harry Potter ones that are all black. So it's just really trying to figure out the geometry of these puzzle pieces. And I glue them all together, and once I'm done with them, I staple them to my garage walls. So all of my walls in my garage are covered with puzzles. Russell Wilson puzzles, Washington State University, puzzles, puzzles of puppies and kittens, tons of puzzles. You name it, I've got it. And I'm actually the easiest person to buy a gift for. If you buy me a puzzle, that's all I need. And it could be 50 pieces. I usually like to max at about a thousand. Um, but I love to do puzzles. And I love it when people do puzzles with me. I have kits, I have sorting things, I have little pads that I actually roll them up and take them on vacation. It's silly, but that's kinda Julie's little secret as I'm a puzzle nut.


[ Outtro music]