The Shift Health Coach

Energy Suck

Laura Timbrook Episode 57

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Have you been finding yourself super productive one minute and then the next minute, nothing? In the last few weeks I have been feeling this pretty strong and even talking to other friends they have been feeling the same thing. In this week's episode, we are talking about this energy suck and how to overcome it and get back to being productive.

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Music by Alex Grohl and Pixabay click here to listen to learn more

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all the nutrition information out there today, everything's conflicting, completely confusing. How are we supposed to be healthy if even the experts can't agree? This is outspoken nutrition. I'm your host, Lord Timber, and we're gonna break it all down. Everybody, I have to ask you a question. Have you been finding yourself lately that you have a ton of energy maybe being super productive and then one minute it's all gone. I've been feeling this for the last week or two. Really heavy. And I actually went to my Facebook page and I asked everybody out there if they were experienced something like this. And you know what the crazy thing was? They were. I haven't talked to my mastermind group and they have been experienced the same thing. It seems like we're in this odd scenario where we could be super productive. But then one small thing can kind of switch that and put us in this really kind of shitty energy suck mood. And I've been trying to figure out how to kind of break out of that and get back to being productive. I've been able to kind of pinpoint it for me. I am online schooling my kids. At first I was calling it home schooling, and then I talked to a couple homeschool moms, and they're like, What you were doing is totally not home schooling. It is online schooling, and it's ridiculous, and it is crazy. I have three of my kids that are really having a hard time with. This one in particular is having an extremely difficult time, and it's just it can take all the energy out of me in a simple second and all my productivity stops now. The problem is, is I'm trying to get back to being productive. Before I lost that energy, I was getting things done. We were going places and then nothing. So I've come up the last week with a few tips that I have found that have really helped me and a few of my other folks following me. So I wanted to give you these tips to see if they will help you. So for me, tip the first tip is we really need to lay out a plan, and a lot of times we have these big grand plans. But we forget about those little granular plans that are really for each day, and not only each day, but to have a plan for the days that you're super productive. So you know exactly where you need to be focusing on, but then also have a plan for when the day is really shitty. Listen, we're all going to have that really shitty day. We just need to know what to do when that day comes. And what are some of those things that maybe might flip the switch from a shitty day to a productive day? Because, honestly, isn't that really what we want? So I found a few things that have been working for May. So the first thing I've noticed if I've started off on a really shitty day, the biggest thing that helps me is taking a shower. I know we're working from home. Aren't showers optional? But seriously, there is just something about just refreshing and comforting about a shower. And I think back a lot of times when my kids were little, anytime they were cranky, we would give them a bath. So why aren't we doing the same thing for ourselves? And believe me, guys, it really does work, especially if you're working from home and you might not have showered in a few days. The other tip I found that's been really helpful is putting on that music. That kind of gets you in the mood for me. It's some of those old school punk bands that I used to listen to in high school. Dropkick Murphys, Bad religion, Catch 22 Those type of bands really kind of get me going. So if I'm in a really bad funk, sometimes that music will pull me right out of it. The next thing I really kind of found out that's worked for me a lot. And it was through my mastermind program with Pugin. She actually said, Pick one thing in life that you've really kicked asset and remember about it. So for me, there's a specific story that I haven't every time I feel a little like I can't do this, This isn't working. I think back to that time where I really kicked ass in the corporate world and the next thing is go for a walk. Oh, for a run, go work out. But get moving. We already know any time we move that increases all those happy chemicals in our brain and our body and really can naturally flip that switch for us. And if worse comes the worst, there's always chocolate, right? Seriously, if you're really in a funky mood, sometimes maybe a small piece of chocolate might help. Kind of get us out of that. If you're the kind of person, though, that can't stick toe one or two Hershey kisses, I probably would recommend not going down this path because too much chocolate and sugar will put us in a worse mood. So I hope these things air really helpful for you. I hope you know, some of you have gone through this and maybe this can help pull you guys out. But the one thing I really want you to remember is to eat your effing veggies. I'll talk to you next week. Bye.

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