The "Home Team" Podcast

Fix or Flip? How an Architect can make your old home new again! with David Thomas

The "Home" Team Podcast Season 1 Episode 26

A lot of Homeowners are faced with this dilemma. They love where they live but their house is outdated or doesn't have enough square footage to support their growing family. They start doing some research and discover that the features and size that they want are available in new builds... but that would mean uprooting their family to a new community 10 miles away and adding a 20 minute commute to their jobs. They love their kids schools and adore their neighbors. They do not want to leave, but what choice do they have? While some may embrace moving as a new adventure, there is an option for those that would like to stay. 

In this episode Matt, Chandler and Jon interview David Thomas with Thomas Architecture. David is one of the most respected Architects in Denver with almost 40 years of experience. David and his team can do anything from a simple remodel all the way up to a home additions and/or tear down and rebuild. If you are someone who is currently facing this dilemma... this is the episode for you! 

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