GBW Podcast

Episode 46: Vince D'Amato

July 01, 2016 The Video Graveyard
This week on GBW we welcome special guest, Vince D'Amato.

A staple on the Vancouver indie film circuit for around fifteen years, Vince co-founded Creepy Six Films who are responsible for such flicks as Vampires vs. Zombies (aka Carmilla) and The Hard Cut, is the programmer/director of Shivers Film Society who strive to bring lesser-known indie films and classics to the big screen as well as organize special guests such as Lloyd Kaufman, and he has also formed Brivido Giallo to create modern day giallo inspired films.

We fill Vince up with plentiful beer for an interview that spans such topics as his first horror movie experiences, how he became an indie director and the challenges along the way, what the impetus was for forming Shivers, and even manage to get some giallo recommendations for those of us (like Chris) who are just starting to get into the sub-genre.

Tune in for this talk and make sure to visit Vince on the web at as well as

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