GBW Podcast

Episode 92: The Neutered Nineties

The Video Graveyard
Is it possible that there's another decade of horror films that is more maligned than the 1990's? Probably not.

That's why for this episode of GBW we've decided to look back at the "Neutered Nineties" and have each come up with a list of five films from the decade we think you should definitely check out. It runs the gamut from demons, zombies, gory comedy, slicing and dicing, and a certain hook-handed killer. Plus a few that ended up just shy of making our lists.

As usual we start with what we've been watching where one of us gives you their take on Hereditary, we've scoured our Dollarama and cheap DVD's for things to dump off to the thrift store (with varying results), we get a double shot of Danny Glover, and the VHS adventure gets a little bit 80's New York sleazy. Plus much more!

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