GBW Podcast

Episode 101: Richard Mogg - Analog Nightmares

The Video Graveyard

If you were a horror geek like we were in the late 80's and early 90's chances are you discovered the glory of shot-on-video in your search for the latest, greatest scare flick. Something that your group of friends would rent on a Friday night and  marvel at the low-budget shenanigans within. Movies that even you might be able to make in your own backyard.

That's why we've brought on filmmaker/writer Richard Mogg to talk all about his just released book, Analog Nightmares: The Shot on Video Films of 1982-1995, which covers over two-hundred(!) films as well as containing interviews with such SOV luminaries as Tim Ritter (Truth or Dare), Donald Farmer (Cannibal Hookers) and Ron Bonk (She Kills).

Tune in for a lively discussion about the SOV era filled with stories and laughs as we also each pick 5 (or, in Chris' case, 4) films we think you should check out.

Analog Nightmares can be found at

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