GBW Podcast

Episode 108: Sin City

March 15, 2019 The Video Graveyard

What better way to deal with both of us feeling ill when recording by talking about a place where the party never stops: Las Vegas! That's right, Sin City itself. Where the drinks are cheap, the gambling is plentiful, the strippers are crazy and the neon is bright.

To try something new we're taking on an entire city in film form by talking about what films either set in or that spends some time in the outrageous desert oasis that are worth checking out. We're talking De Niro, some Elvis impersonators with money on their minds, bachelor parties gone off-the-rails and much more! If this city is your thing, these movies will be as well.

We begin, as always, by talking about what we've watched and it's quite a batch as we get very upset at the antics of Cheech & Chong, marvel at Gasper Noe's latest CLIMAX, blast some Norwegian black metal, take a third trip to the corn fields, bring back the Ginty and a catchy as hell theme song, and so much more!

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