Good Enough

How We Talk About Men with Debbie Maloney

Andrea Burke, Lore Ferguson Wilbert, Debbie Maloney Season 1 Episode 13

Debbie Maloney is the wife of Kevin Maloney, who is my lead pastor here at Grace Road. Kevin was on our episode about diet culture. (Go back and listen to that one. It’s been one of our most loved episodes.) Kevin and Debbie have been married 18 years and they have four kids.


Romans 12:9-21
Proverbs 12:22-23
Ephesians 4:31-32

Weekly Challenge
This week find a few brothers, including your spouse if you’re married, and repent for the way you’ve talked about them in the past, ask them what it would look like to speak life to them, and then endeavor to do so. 

Look for ways to encourage men in their God-given masculine roles. Honor the way they are designed distinctly unique from women.