Generations United Podcast

Episode 7: ZERO TO THREE on Grandparents as Child Care Providers

Generations United

Grandparents play a critical role in filling the gap as parents struggle to provide the best affordable care for their children. In fact, almost 1 in 4 children under age 5 is cared for on a regular basis by a grandparent. That's according to ZERO TO THREE's new resource, Who's Watching the Kids? The Grand Plan Grandparenting Survey.

In this episode, ZERO TO THREE's Rebecca Parlakian (senior director of Programs) and Kathy Kinsner (senior manager of Parent Resources) discuss additional findings from the survey. They're joined by Althea Sachs, a grandparent in the Los Angeles area, who gives  a first-hand perspective on providing child care for her 5-year-old grandson, Etan, and an 18-month-old granddaughter.

Etan and his mom, Mollie, live with Althea. ZERO TO THREE produced a film or -- what they call "a peek" -- at Grandparent Caregivers. Watch this video to learn more about of Althea, her daughter, and grandson.

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