CSA Security Update

Reducing Business Risk with Forensic Readiness – Guest: Lamont Orange; CISO, Netskope

November 06, 2019 John DiMaria; Assurance Investigatory Fellow

Forensic readiness is defined as the ability of an organization to maximize its potential to use good quality digital evidence to protect the organization, support the investigators while minimizing the costs of an investigation.

Trust in the cloud is constantly under attack, so good data-driven decisions are critical. Determining whether a data source provides an acceptable level of digital evidence is one thing, but how do you safeguard data integrity to ensure that the information contained within supports the investigation with the proper content or context, transparency, and trust? Proving "Due Diligence" and "Standard of Care" is critical when building a case to protect your organization.

Listen as I discuss this all-important topic with Lamont Orange; CISO, Netskope and we take the journey down the road of forensics and the importance of being prepared along with some best practice suggestions.
