The Cloudcast

A “Service Mesh” Look Ahead for 2020

The Cloudcast

SHOW: 434

DESCRIPTION: Christian Posta (@christianposta, Field CTO @soloio_inc) talks about the trends that are shaping the Service Mesh space, including emerging standards, application patterns, and interactions with API gateways. 



Topic 1 - Welcome to the show; you’ve been on PodCTL in the past. Tell us about your background, as you’ve been very active with application developers and distributed systems for quite a while.  

Topic 2 - A few years ago, Service Mesh came onto the scene as a big deal (Istio, Linkerd, etc.) and people were trying to figure out what it was, what it did, etc. The technology has evolved quite a bit, but people are still oftentimes confused. How should we think about what a Service Mesh does (or doesn’t do)? 

Topic 3 - What are the most common use-cases when Service Mesh is being used? What are some of the places where Service Mesh is discussed, but probably shouldn’t be used? (API-Gateway, code in an application, etc.)

Topic 4 - Sometimes we have a technology space that has lots of implementations (e.g. Kubernetes, Swarm, Mesos, etc.) that eventually converge into a single industry choice. But Service Mesh still has lots of implementations. Are they all really different? Will we see industry convergence around a standard? Do we need a standard?

Topic 5 - What are some of the areas where you expect that we’ll see advancements in Service Mesh in 2020?

Topic 6 -  What are some of the best ways for people to start either learning more about Service Mesh, or trying out the technology to see if it makes sense for them?


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