The Eat for Endurance Podcast

Athlete Nutrition Profile - Elite Ultrarunner Maggie Guterl

September 15, 2019 Claire Shorenstein, MS RD CDN with Maggie Guterl Season 1 Episode 6

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Welcome to Episode 6 of the Eat for Endurance Podcast, featuring elite ultrarunner Maggie Guterl (aka “Maggatron”). 

Maggie and I connected through Tailwind Nutrition, where she works as the Athletes & Events Manager, including managing the Tailwind Trailblazer group that I joined this year. If you’re one of my nutrition clients, that’s where all those awesome Endurance Fuel and Rebuild samples have been coming from! As I’ve said many times, I only support products that I genuinely like, and Tailwind definitely makes that list (FYI - Tailwind is not sponsoring this podcast, and I am not receiving any compensation to talk about their products).

Maggie recently moved to Durango, CO (where Tailwind is based) from Pennsylvania, where she grew up. After running her first marathon in 2009, she caught the endurance bug and ran her first ultra (a 24-hour race!) in 2011. She’s competed in numerous 24 hour races, Big’s Backyard Ultra (which she will be racing again on October 19th), and Barkley Marathons in 2018 (an insane race if you haven’t heard of it), among countless other ultras. In 2016, she placed 2nd in the Georgia Death Race and got her golden ticket to Western States 100 (essentially the Boston of ultras), where she placed 8th female.

This was one of my first podcast interviews, and I had so much fun talking to Maggie (as you can tell from all my laughter!) and hearing about how she got into the sport, shifted from bartending and partying life to being an ultra runner, and how she has been able to dial in her everyday and sports nutrition. Turns out you CAN run long distance and not puke your guts out! ;)

UPDATE: Maggie won Big's! As in, she was the last PERSON (not woman) standing. Read all about her nutrition running for 60 hours straight (yes, you read that correctly) here.

Links & Resources: Check out more on Maggie and some of the things we talk about


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