The Eat for Endurance Podcast

Athlete Nutrition Profile - Recreational Cyclist and Runner, Jacqui Cincotta

Claire Shorenstein, MS RD CDN with Jacqui Cincotta Season 1 Episode 16

Want to get in touch? Send Claire a message!

Welcome to Episode 16 of the Eat for Endurance Podcast, featuring recreational cyclist and runner, Jacqui Cincotta.

Jacqui is a former nutrition client of mine who worked with me back in 2018 on improving her everyday diet and her approach to sports nutrition during training and racing. I found her story to be unique and inspiring, and very much connected to food and exercise, so I asked her to be my first recreational athlete nutrition profile guest on the podcast.

Jacqui lives in Arlington, Virginia, was in the military for many years and deployed overseas, and now works in the public sector supporting global health. She was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) at the age of three, and has had many ups and downs with her illness. Thankfully, her RA has been in remission for the last two years, thanks to regular exercise and following a way of eating that works well for her.

We recorded back in September, right before her first 26.2 attempt at the Marine Corps Marathon. Unfortunately, she was unable to finish. Here’s her update:

“It was absolutely pouring, and some guy (I am sure by accident) knocked into me about 15 or so miles in hard enough that I fell on my knees. I went to a medical tent and had a ton of ice put on my knees but couldn’t finish the race. I was bummed, but still want to achieve my goal of completing a Marathon so I signed up for the New Jersey Marathon in April 2020. I did however run the Army Ten Miler a few weeks before and set a new 10 mile PR for myself. So I learned sometimes things go as planned, and sometimes they don’t; shake it off and try again!”

Great attitude, Jacqui - I know I would’ve been PISSED had that happened to me, but as you said, you just have to move on and try again. Good luck in NJ - I’m sure you’ll crush it!

Hope you enjoy this episode and that it helps motivate you to push through challenging moments, whether it’s a tough workout, a medical issue, or any other obstacles you encounter.

This wraps up Season 1 - thanks again for your support and looking forward to bringing you more content in 2020!

Follow Jacqui:

  •  If you’re a Peloton rider, her LB name is #Le_Chic_JQ 
  •  Follow Jacqui on Instagram


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  • Have nutrition questions, a guest or topic request, or any other feedback? Email me -
  • Music Credit: Joseph McDade
  • Disclaimer – all information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to replace individual medical and nutrition recommendations.

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