The Eat for Endurance Podcast

When Races are Cancelled, Create Your Own Adventures - A Detailed Look into My California Trail Running "Event"

Claire Shorenstein, MS RD CDN Season 2 Episode 29

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I’m particularly excited to share Episode 29 of the Eat for Endurance Podcast with you all, as it’s a more personal episode in which I share my own recent running and nutrition experiences, and I also introduce you to my fellow adventure-seeker and running buddy for life - my husband Eric.

My goal for this episode is to demonstrate that running (or whatever sport you enjoy engaging in) is not cancelled! I know how disappointing race cancellations have been this year, but that does not mean that you can’t get out there and create your own adventures for yourself. I wanted to use my own experience of choosing my “event” as a case study of sorts - how we picked our target run, trained, created our nutrition plans, picked the right gear, dealt with childcare challenges etc. I also finally share my running background in more detail, especially related to running postpartum. There’s so much left to say, but it was nice to chat briefly about it and I hope it resonates with some of you. Suffice to say, I finally have my running mojo back! 

We hadn’t expected to have the opportunity to run anything too long when we planned this trip, so it was such a pleasant surprise when we discovered later in June that my parents were on board with watching both kiddos all day so that we could have a big running adventure! We are fortunate to live very close to the most gorgeous redwood forest with miles and miles of beautiful trails - Nisene Marks in Aptos, California. We were perfectly happy running 1-2 hours there once a week with some shorter beach runs thrown in, but with the possibility of something bigger in the picture, we immediately thought of the Skyline to Sea trail (my local bucket list item), which is just slightly further North of where my family lives in Santa Cruz. 

Have a listen to learn more about how we chose our route, trained in Nisene, created our nutrition plans, and much more. We had so much fun recording this episode outside on my deck! And FYI, it’s broken up into three parts:

  • August 10th - Pre-run discussion including our running backgrounds, choosing our target route, nutrition planning, gear, etc. This is the longest section (about one hour)
  • August 12th - Short voice memos recorded from the trails - we had to capture things in the moment!
  • August 14th - Post-run recap, with a big focus on nutrition and how recovery is going

The scary part of this is that just over a week after running this route in Big Basin, the whole area is now on fire. Thankfully our home here in Santa Cruz is safe, but the air quality is poor and ash is everywhere. We are staying inside for the time being. My heart goes out to everyone affected more deeply by the fires! I’m hoping that our beautiful State Parks will be okay too.  With that said, I really hope you enjoy this episode that celebrates our beautiful State Parks, and wraps up Season 2 of the podcast!


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  • Music Credit: Joseph McDade
  • Disclaimer – all information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to replace individual medical and nutrition recommendations.

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