The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

Message from Spider: Weave (wisdom)

May 25, 2023 Lizanne Flynn Season 5 Episode 11
Message from Spider: Weave (wisdom)
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
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The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
Message from Spider: Weave (wisdom)
May 25, 2023 Season 5 Episode 11
Lizanne Flynn
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
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Show Notes Transcript

I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul, both individually and together. I am

a bridge for relationships between Earthlings of all species so that the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper and more loving.

I'm an animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and  I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval 

to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and as a canine massage therapist. This is the Animals' iView 



I'll start by asking you all a question directly from Spider and perhaps also Snake that's a bit tongue in cheek I think and naturally represents their trademark wry sense of humor that I've

come to know. After all the Animals say, a sense of humor when interacting with humans is crucial to defusing their human-centric point of view. If we can get them to laugh with us at

themselves, we're more than halfway home. Point well taken I think! And the question is - perhaps it's only species that start with the letter S that causes you to become immediately

fearful and worry about being a victim of a so-called "attack" from us. Not surprisingly at this point Shark comes in; let's see who else wants to join in the conversation. The collective letter

"S" species - or so they're called by us - continue -  'while it's true that we have very good defense mechanisms, take note that it is a defense mechanism and deployed only when our 

territory is invaded by another predator, one of which is human." It's interesting to note that so very often we humans want to land on the side of prey and adopt the belief system of not

exactly "if we don't stop them they'll end up killing us" but more along the lines of "our species' survival is the most important one of all". And while we're dimly aware of the impact on other

species when we take action to ensure our survival up to and including the point where our population numbers have outgrown the Earth's ability to provide for all of us, the other predators

scoff a bit (the exact word they wanted me to use because it also begins with "s") at our rather feeble attempts to ensure that the species who are prey to us - literally all of them - are not

treated as truly prey as other apex predators do. "Because when other predators take from prey for their sustenance, they also do so with great awareness and care of the prey group so that

they remain vital and thriving." For humans we often think in terms of predator vs prey and us vs them when it's a more nuanced partnership rooted in balance within the unified duality on

this planet. Or at least its meant to be if we were more firmly rooted in our steward and guardian role of predator like other predator species are. 


The "S" collective continues - "maybe it's the essss sound" that reminds you of Snake or that the eight eyes of Spider that can also be said with the esss sound that causes your bone marrow

to quiver - (yes, those were the rather chilling words that they used and truth be told, I think they're having a bit of fun with you all right now!) - and hunch your shoulders as if you're fearful

Snake or Shark or Spider is waiting just 'round the corner to JUMP out and catch you all. And you might have picked up by now that the species having the most fun at your expense is Snake

although the "S" collective is a darkly humorous group and none of them are taking any pains to hide their shared grins amongst each other. And yet, when Grandmother Spider aka Spider

Woman - as she is sometimes called in indigenous cultures steps out from the shadows and into the light, the friendly banter quiets considerably in deference to the wisdom that she has

spun out of knowledge gained over centuries. Just now you may be able to feel the weight of her energy, a not insubstantial thing at all coming into your energetic field and yet it also feels

perhaps as light as the gossamer that she spins when she creates her web. The web make no mistake is her home and as well serves to ensnare her prey that depending upon the species

of spider is dispatched in any number of creative ways. Remember, as Spider is an predator it would likely fall in among the predator subgroup of the keystone categories, the others being

mutualists like Bee and flowers, prey, ecosystem engineer like Beaver and plants. Spider just like human checks off two categories - predator and prey - and yet very recent research reveals

that science has recategorized ourselves - and of course, we would do that - into a hyper keystone subgroup. "Here we identify human beings as a higher-order or 'hyper keystone' species 

that drives complex interaction chains by affecting other keystone actors across different habitats. Strong indirect effects and a global reach further characterize these interactions and 

amplify the impacts of human activities on diverse ecosystems, from oceans to forests." In the article "hyper" is defined as "higher order" although just a glance at the definition of hyper

would also yield - high-stung, extremely active, and excessively which are more likely than hyper also defined as that which exists in a space of more than 3 dimensions (definitely NOT us)

as well as bridging points within an entity (such as a database or network) nonsequentially - also NOT us. And yet, we perceive ourselves to be above and in full transparency, maybe this is

a step in the right direction as I'm being nudged to acknowledge by Spider. She continues "it's overall not a bad thing that humans are coming to recognize the undeniable affect you have as

a species on all other species because it truly is at your feet that this responsibility falls. No other species colors outside the lines with such ferocity towards the bottom line preservation of

its own survival as does the human species. We would state that your slumped shoulders of defeat - finally! - in the face of such overwhelming evidence could have come sooner and yet in

your human-centric view, that was impossible. We are all together in this web that you've woven and so as is the Fly who finds themselves ensnared in my web, so too, are we all other 

species ensnared in your web." With this, Spider Woman bows her head slightly and appears to settle down a bit for a nap as she know there is a bit more information about her magical

self to share with you.


In a non-coincidental way, Jumping Spider has made their way across my social media feed in the last several days and all before I began searching the interwebs for tidbits of information

that I'm hoping other fellow nerds of Animal lovers like myself would enjoy which naturally comes via the language of Energy. Just as with all my other podcasts, the more one becomes 

known to the world of Animals via this master language, the more information comes across intuitively which is of course, the body's own internet. One of my students in the Master Language

Immersion Course that's finishing up next month is still surprised and perhaps a bit shocked at how easily this information comes to them via the power of thought and an intention that's

made clearly and succinctly to the Universe. In a certain sense, this amount of empowerment can be quite heady and yet as the movie/book quote goes - with great power comes great(er)

responsibility. I added the er ending because in our human experience as Spider and other species would concur, it's simply not enough to "do" - we must and can do bett(er) another "er"

added for emphasis. We can and must step into the place of unified duality through balance and partnership first within our own species and at the same time we will begin to do so via

theirs because that's the way of Energy on this planet. So it was that Jumping Spider in all of their fanged cuteness came across my feed and naturally a newspaper article to boot soon 

followed. Did you all know that some people have Jumping Spiders as companion Animals? Yeah, me either although I am aware of people who have Tarantula and other more exotic insects

as part of their extended family such as Cockroach and Praying Mantis. Here in Colorado we have the Butterfly Pavilion and I encourage you to go visit because we forget how sentience can

be contained in such small physical containers and in ways as I've mentioned before that astounds us as we're so locked into only this third dimension. Especially when you consider the 

wisdom carried forth from generation to generation that's far far different than our applied knowledge that definitely poses the question: when you consider the human species in relation

to other species, would you say that we have more knowledge or more wisdom? Remember, wisdom involves a healthy dose of perspective and the ability to make sound judgments about 

a subject while knowledge is simply knowing - uh - stuff. So let's let Spider have their due for a few moments longer while we gain a bit of knowledge about them. 


Spider silk fibers have a strength rating of 1.1 gigapascals, which is not as strong as Kevlar's 3.6 gigapascals. But, they are tougher than Kevlar. Rigid spider silk has a toughness factor of 180 

megajoules/meter compared to Kelvar's toughness factor of 50 megajoules/meter. Pattern is called a fractal or never-ending pattern which is what happens when a spiderweb gets caught in

one's hair - it's never ending trying to get it off your head! They must have known Leonardo da Vinci and his famous Vitruvian man because the spaces between each spiral and the next are

 directly proportional to the distance from the tip of its back legs to its spinners. They use the initial radiating lines as well as the non-sticky spirals as guide lines. Spider silk is also 

antimicrobial, hypoallergenic and completely biodegradable. 5 different kinds of silk are created and used in the web of Spider and over 50% of known species of Spiders use webs to catch

their prey, store their prey, live and raise their young as well as make you jump when you see them! And despite their eyes outnumbering ours by 4 to 1, their eyesight isn't that good so they

rely on vibration of their webs to tell them what energy is present in their environments. Here's exactly where the diversity in the world of arachnids comes in with the jumping spiders whose

eye acuity is actually quite good with four eyes pointing forward, two on top and two pointing backwards so they don't need to use webs to ensnare their prey. A find on the interwebs whose

title I honestly hesitate to share - the new "it" pet on TikTok - yikes! - is about their smarts and as well their kindschenschema, their cuteness factor that makes them particular alluring to

being part of our extended families. When I mentioned their smarts, it was recently discovered that jumping spiders have learned to more or less mimic the antennae of Ant with their front 

legs which makes them look less appetizing to other predators, the link to that story is among several in the podcast notes. And it's the fact that wiggling their front legs in a generalized

impression of many Ant species or what some might call an imperfect impression is again what makes them able to evade a good majority of their predators. In addition to their skills in

mimicry, these guys also have brilliant colors which makes hiding themselves among the foliage in certain plants much easier to do and again, with other predators who can't see as well,

then they're hidden even though they're still brightly colored and not doing an impression of Chameleon or Octopus in changing their skin color to blend in. And here's where the collective

Spider comes in with their wisdom and I must say, it sounds distinctly feminine.


They begin - "you understand now how weaving a web isn't necessary for some of our species to be successful and to thrive and to build and maintain close relationships with your species.

We're not the nightmare material that you make us out to be nor are our webs although to think that you might communicate with us through the sounds in our web is patently absurd. It

presumes that the verbalization upon which you so depend in your species to communicate is somehow the key to communicating with us and with others. (At this point, Spider points a

notably bristly leg at a hologram that suddenly appears of Whale floating peacefully and I'm reminded of an article about science thinking that to learn the songs of Whale is the way through

to a communication with them.) This external verbalization isn't the way forward together and to underscore that we would point to the energy contained in your spelling of words that 

sometimes belie the truth of your intention behind them. We see through it all because your intention is solely based in energy and vibration and on that score (pun intended I’m thinking due

to the earlier music reference) we understand you much better than you think that we do. Although you seek to gather more knowledge believing it to be the foundation for your rate of

survival on this planet, your accumulation of wisdom is sadly lacking and it's no wonder your children and your children's children and their children are left to fend for themselves. To weave 

a web successfully, depends upon the use of the proper materials, the plan in mind to create the whole of something out of it's associated parts and how they work together. In other words,

the relationship between all of these things and not just who they are separately. You have whole factions of knowledge groups fighting with each other and within their own factions for

the claimship - (I think they mean ownership although it has a wash of claiming to have "the" answer as in the number 42, meaning the one perfect answer to everything) of how to solve

everything on this planet and off this planet. What good does this encyclopedic to the enth degree do if you don't understand the relationship between each other and even more importantly,

within yourself? Ever Spider knows before weaving their first web that this wisdom that's built upon, generation by generation, is our very essence, our very being and without it, we could

know all about fractals and vibration and strength of the silk and still not know that it's how the web operates together that matters. It's the ages old wisdom of our great, great great great

grandparents that deepens and broadens over time and becomes the legacy we pass down to our daughters and they pass down to their daughters and so on. Yet we do not crow about these

things or give ourselves awards or publish books or research or make others go sit in a building and worship a system of belief built on fear. We simply set out each day to make our imperfect

webs, to dance with our prey in partnership and balance and hold deep within ourselves the breath of wisdom that is birthed by Earth Herself for all species to work together. 


And at this and because her energy is spent, Spider Woman heaves a gusty sigh that smells a bit musty and settles herself just slightly off center in her web. She reaches out two arms to pull

me in for a quick nip on my neck, not quite breaking the skin and enough for me to feel it which is her way of sharing herself with me. I, in turn sign and bow my head in gratitude for the gift 

of her wisdom just now bestowed. I turn to leave her at her rest and she speaks once more - Wisdom not knowledge is the way forward and that time is now. And at least, that's how Spider

sees it. 





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Tune in in two weeks time where we'll take ourselves into the land of mythical Creatures who Are Not, After All, Mythical: Reality. This has been the Animals' iView podcast - see you next time.