The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

The Clarity of Animal Intelligence: No Zoos or "Putting Them to Sleep"

Lizanne Flynn Season 2 Episode 6

Chief Joseph of the Nez Pearce said it best - "Every animal knows more than you do." The only ones we're really fooling is ourselves in believing that conservation of animals in the wild is best served by a zoo or aquarium. Our use of the euphemistic "putting them to sleep" in lieu of "compassionate euthanasia" only means that we're desperate to keep Shadow at a continual arm's length. Because not only can we not stand our own Shadow we can't stand to think of other beings having a shadow aspect either. And heaven forbid if the two should somehow meet in a sacred way at the end of an Earthling's life. We've got a ways to go, Humans, before we reach the level of Animal intelligence.

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