The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

Time, the Schumann Resonance and Meditation: Only One is an Illusion

Lizanne Flynn Season 2 Episode 16

Animals don't wear watches and for beings who don't depend on time to dictate their lives, they are remarkably, usually "on time". For their lives and their purpose on the planet. Humans? Not so much. Our reliance on the illusion of time in this collective experience is just one of the revealing aspects of social distancing. We've entered a kind of "day of the week" fog that may feel quite challenging. Thrown into the mix is the escalation of the Shumann Resonance of Earth herself and well, you've got a very interesting situation to say the least. Now is actually the perfect time to introduce the practice of meditation into your life. That may sound counter-intuitive yet the internal is the one thing to be anchored into these days that will serve you well. Five minutes a day is an excellent start!

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