The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

Ghosts, Curses and the (Para)Normal: The Movement of Sliding Dimensions

Lizanne Flynn Season 2 Episode 32

While a shaman would say there is both ordinary and non-ordinary reality, when coupled and embraced together it's all ordinary. And there isn't any para(non) normal - it's merely a perception of a system of belief about into which box to put a particular frequency of energy. The human experience loves to play with aspects of shadow to a certain extent because we also reject it as part of our daily lives. So it tends to build up and when a TV show about ghosts, hauntings and perhaps curses comes on, we're all in! The thing is, when we box up energy we also render ourselves to a certain extent powerless to interact safely and knowledgeably with the same energy. No matter which facet of planetary design - light or dark - it's presenting in our experience. The more we can move into the dimensions that slide together as our ancestors did and without definitions or false constraints, the better equipped we are to be one with and co-master of Energy.

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