Jana Spicka's Podcast

Seeding and Feeding your Soil for the Kingdom

Jana Spicka

This was such a personally strong revelation about taking care of the weeds in my soil, but also honoring the seeds He has given. Using several scriptures about God's provision, this a call to trust and believe His abundance.

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How's that?

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Can I get your phone's proverbs 2121[inaudible] you ready? Let's read it out loud together. The levers of God, he chase after righteousness will find all their dreams come true and abundant life drenched with favor and a fountain that overflows with satisfaction.

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21. Um,

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so here's your new verse a for this not the whole page is what's involved. This is for July.

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I don't really feel like standing today, so I just, I'll just have a couple of things I want to give you and I really want to have a discussion. Um, let's read this together. Starting at the top of verse four, be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let joy overflow for your nine and with the holy one. Let gentleness be seen in every relationship for our Lord is ever near. Don't be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be Saturated in prayer throughout each day. Offering your faith filled request before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life. Think God's wonderful peace that transcends human understanding will make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ. So keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure, holy, merciful and kind and fast. And your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him. Always follow the example of all that we have imparted to you. And the god of peace will be with you and all things. Philippians four, four, three, nine in the passion. And so, uh, you know, there's probably an NIV. Everybody memorizes it, but there's something about, we've talked about this before, but it's been reminded to remind you about it. These are the kinds of promises of God that aren't or aren't a promise as much as a principle, a principle. This is the way the Kingdom of God works. Because if you go back to the NIV, which is where I memorize this, present your request to God, I Lean not, you know, let me just look at an IB so I can tell you how I got it. I'm deal I had, they don't have these memorized does I think I do. Oh, there's something about there's the god of peace and you do these things. It says rejoice in the Lord always. I'll say it again. Rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all the Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving, present your request to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, which means there's something higher than your ability to understand and that is the peace of God. And so we say, when I understand, then I will believe the peace of God. But that's not what scripture says. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding is higher than it will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. And so God gave me a picture about this, is that he has given me like this dumb, the peace of God has given me like this dumb to live in. And it actually guards my thoughts and my mind, my heart, and my mind will guard your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus. And so for me to go outside, for me to go toward worry or toward fear or toward lag, I have to run outside this dome of God. Can you understand what I'm saying? Could because the peace of God has been assigned to me to guard my heart and my mind in Christ, Jesus is always going, so what do I do while I'm inside the Dome? I think about whatever is true. Praise the word. They know we're right. La, la, la. That's what I do when I'm inside this dome. And so then it says, whatever you've seen and learned, put it into practice. Don't just talk about it. Do it, and then the god of peace will be with you. So there's like this principle of heaven that I allow, I honor and receive the peace of God that guards I stay inside this holy place that he's given me and that when I run away because my thoughts held me captive and I'm drug off, then I quickly bring myself back in because how I know that I'm outside the favor. How I know I'm outside, the blessing of God is goes. My mind's going crazy. So instead of trying to get medication for my crazy head or try and get lots of excuses for my crazy head, I come back into the peace of God where, Oh all things are possible here. Amen. You go what I'm saying, which is always been talked about. So that one's free. So there's something really beautiful about you understanding this is the way of the kingdom, the way of the Kingdom of God is not the way of man. And we're not trying to make the kingdom fit in the way of man with proper terms in religion. We're trying to make our life come back into, this is way the way I was created to live and everything else that I have learned down here. This earth system is inferior in every way. So I'm not trying to marry the truth to, I'm trying to absolutely distance myself and be who I was created to be in the power of Jesus, guarded by his love and by there's something about this crazy love. So I know this is hilarious cause you can just go and tell me in advance. This is crazy. But I'm going to actually teach a little bit on the parable of the sower. I know 500 billion messages on the panel parallel. The sower, sorry, I just have to do it. What I want to tell you about this. So it was just some things that the Lord showed me out of this and I'm just gonna read this. A the NIV. It's Matthew 13.[inaudible] just to give your ever get your brain working a little bit on, in case you haven't, don't know this parable. How can you not know this parable? But there you go. Um, this is the parable that Jesus is talking about. A farmer went out to sow his seed. He was scattering seed and um, some fell along the path. The birds came and ate it. Some fell on rocky places where it did not have much soil. It came up quickly, but the soil was shallow and the sun came up. The plants were scorched and they withered because they had no root. The other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants and still other seed fell on good soil where it produced a crop 160 or 30 times what was sown. Whoever has hears to let them hear. And then the disciples say, um, why do, why do you not just talk to people plainly, the disciples asked Jesus, he says, because the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, heaven had been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more and they will have an abundance. You know that verse right there should go on your mirror or a tattoo or something. Whoever has been given more, whoever has will be given more and they will have an abundance and whoever does not have even what they have will be taken from them. This is why I speak in parables. So then he talks about this whole passage out of Isaiah and he says in verse 16 but blasted are your eyes because they see and your ears because they here for, I tell you that many prophets and righteous people long to see what you see. But did not see it and to hear but did not hear it. So then they goes on and asks about, um, what, what do all these things mean? And he's talking about the interaction, the kingdom, and the evil one. So there's like a, there's three players in this story. There's the soil, there's the, there's the person who is represented representative soil, a man's heart, a woman's heart. And then there's the kingdom and there's the enemy. All right? So it's important that you get that there's three, three, three players. It's happening here.

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and the seed is the word of the revelation of the Lord. Sometimes people teach this about as if it's about salvation. And I used to think that, and I used to use this as a way of evangelism, which I think it's fantastic to see the condition of a person's soil. But once you've become saved, then how does this scripture apply to us? And it's because the word of God, the revelation of God goes somewhere. The revelation that God gives you go somewhere and you are very, very, very much responsible for where it goes and what is done with it. So you want to pay attention to that because the Lord is blessing us, blessing us. This is a blessing. Blessing us with ownership and responsibility. This is a gift from heaven that God would think so highly of us, that he would give us revelation and expect us to do something with it. Are you all tracking with me? So there's something very powerful about what do you do with the word and what do you do with the revelations that God has given it. So I'm in verse 18 still in the NIV says, listen to what the parable of the soar means. When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches it away. What? Sown in their heart. This is the seed that sold along the path. The seed fallen on the rocky ground refers to someone who heard the word and at once receives it with joy. But since they have no root, it lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word. They quickly fall away. This bless you. This he found among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it. Choke the word making it unfruitful, but the fee. See the, but the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understand it. And this is the one who produces a crop yielding 160 or 30 times what was sown. I think my first question that I want to ask you this morning is that you asked the Holy Spirit about the condition of your soil. What's the condition of my soil? And what I mean by that? What I mean by that is this, is your soil hard? Is it like parched? Is it soft? Is it tender? What's the condition of your soil? The second question I want to ask you is, um, well let me, let me break this down a little bit. I was, I have this huge bed of, um, canna lilies. I don't know, can't have Lewis come my backyard cantaloupe. My brain is snipped out there.[inaudible] and so they, they're ginormous. Somebody who's like, you know, 20 feet long and it's just thick as thieves. I mean it's just full and strong and the plants are strong and they grow together strong. And um, last year your, after they've bloomed, you're supposed to come in and they've died down specific home care, the stock's down because what's happened is that the planes have come up, they've released all their seed wrought back down and then once they have those little baby seedlings, I've had an opportunity to come up and the older place and mature plants have died off. You come in in the fall and you cut them down to the ground and now they all have room to grow. You all track with me. So I waited to do that and I waited til winter time. And so now instead of the stock being dry and hard, the stocks were soggy and mopey and wet nearly rotted. So when I went to go like I'm trying to just, cause normally in the fall pop, pop, pop, you just break them off. It's a real simple process. But because I'd waited when I went to do that, I actually jerked up bulb and all. I jerked out the whole route. And so then I'm going, ah, this is not good because you're trying to get back in the dirt and you're trying to play it in the wrong season. Say Law God's given you see, but you're trying to plant in the wrong season. But then what happened is this coming year, now I have all these great big holes in this beautiful bed with no seed, no real seed. So what's coming up instead is nothing but pure weeds. So then I'll top of seeing that this spring, I need to get out there and get that. I need to go out there and get there. I need to go take care of that because those weeds are going to check it. Check that, choke that bed out. Um, I waited, it's a, now it's the end of June and the weeds are as tall as the cannas, which are taller than I am. So I'm out there trying to work on them and me and the Lord just have like a real good come to Jesus meeting while we're doing it. So here's some things that I want to just, I'm just going to tell you some observations at the spirit showed me and you pay attention to what you're doing with the seed and revelation that God has given you. Let me just break that down. Okay. Seed and revelation comes to everyone. It's not chosen for you. The Kingdom of heaven is open to all. So regardless of your age and a stage in the Lord, regardless if you're a hundred years old or you're five, regardless if you have any church knowledge or none, the Kingdom of God is always speaking and he's always looking for soil that will receive his word. So you have been given seed even this past week. Do you even know what it is? So I'm just going to give you a minute and let you just journal right now. What's some things that the Lord has whispered to you this week? What are things, phrases don't be telling. And then this happened, then that happened. The spirit has whispered something to you this week. Probably multiple things. What do you remember

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one day on my Dick, I was, I don't remember which day I was having a coffee. Right. I have a big tree to the right and I was close enough that I could see this little verbal. I've never seen this bird before cause it looked like a woodpecker, but it didn't have any red on it. And um, it was neat to just sit there and watch his creation. And then there was, I headed with render, they came and so I called Caramel to see if maybe with a female and she said it was like yelling yellow belly steps over, I don't know. And she went on to talk about don't let people hold you to there. Don't let people, Zack, you have your, of your positive of your, what the Lord gives you. You know, we really do have to help others, but some people just dream. Right. And that was just a neat moment for me this week. That's good.

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Okay, so let me just go down some things. So the seeds first have to fall on good soil and that soil that's been cleared with room to grow. Do you create space in your life for the seed of God to grow or are you so busy and distracted that the seed can actually grow? It's good soil. It's good seed. But verse six, don't be pulled in different distractions or worried about a thing. Be Saturated and prayer three each day.

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I was, I was laughing because chuck had the weed eater in the front yard. I mean he was like making, making some grounds right. That we needed was just cutting down weeds like crazy. But the thing that's really interesting about a weed eater is what happens with the weeds. The camera back, right? You've cut them down but they're going to come right back. And so the Lord was telling me the only way that I was going to manage this bed is I had to get in there and pull them up. And so there were some, some of them I started doing like this thing like grabbing with my hand and then I'm going, oh wait, some of these require two hands. And then I've got like too many things and trying to pull them up. And as I was talking, I want to give you this picture. Some of you have have weeds in your life that are easily pulled. If you'll just go get in there and just pull it up by the root, it'll just pop and root and all will come up and done. So are there weeds in your life that the Lord is going that's a weed and you're waiting till that blank? Blank, blank grows to such an extent. It's going to take so much effort to get it out, but the Lord's always putting his finger on, hey, that's a weed. And one of the things he asked me, and I'm going to ask you, hey, do you know the difference between the weed and a seed? Do you know the difference between a weed and a seed? Because it requires the spirit. Verse seven then God's Wonderful Peace Trans in that transcends human understanding. We'll make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ. So the difference between a wheat and a seed. The second thing is, is that the longer you leave the weed, the harder it is to get it up. You already know that. But here's the thing that the Lord showed me, a Tinder soil, it can be done. People have got, Oh, I've had this stronghold all my life. Oh, you don't know the trauma I've had? Oh, you don't know this terrible thing that's happened to me. I know that the enemy has been trying to folate your soil your entire life. And I know that the resurrection power of Jesus Christ has converted your dead soil to living soil. And so you have the power of God in your soil to produce his life if you're participating in it. So the question is, are you willing to get down, humble yourself in the presence of the Lord, and pull up the weeds that need to be pulled up? And you're not going to like that. Some of those weeds are real, real pretty, but they're still weeds. Some of the things that are weeds in your life, you enjoy them or at least you think you enjoy them and the Lord's going, we're done because it's polluting the garden. All right, let me stop saying, sorry. That is such a powerful picture of about dry ground and how hard a bit we used to hold up, but if the ground is saturated in wet, like what it means to work on the right end of the problem, just soaking worship and soaking as love and soften my ground. Drenched, drenched in favor, I believe was what we read earlier.[inaudible] how do you get your ground soft? Do you know what I'll tell you in the beginning is your tears. Everybody wants to get to favor without going through repentance. You don't. You don't get to favor without repentance. Man, that just, there's such a weight on that this morning. Everybody wants the goods of God, but nobody wants the humility of God or the brokenness of God and it comes that it comes by way of the cross. The only way that you get to the resurrection power is through the Cross and there is no other way. And so first you begin with humility about your need for God. And then what's met is as I was working, I was drenched because of the dew of believes on me. The further down you get the drew at do of heaven just falls on you. The presence of God falls on you, the rain falls on you. So your Tinder soil makes this whole process very different.[inaudible] makes it very easy to call today. Here's another thing that's really difficult is I'm pulling them up. I've got to, I now I could see their stem because I was used to having it happen to do this and I'm saying to look up and just have to look down, look up, trying to figure out. And then when I got down there, especially for the little ones, I pull up weeds and guess what came up with the weeds, my good seed because they get entangled like that.[inaudible] and you pull up one and they pull up both. So, oh my gosh, what do you do with that? And that's exactly that scripture that says that seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. So you know what you have to do in that case, you're tender soil, you're good soil that's ready to receive. As you pull those babies up and you separate them and you pull that weed away, you don't throw away the good seed just because it got choked out temporarily. Are you all tracking what I'm saying? The seed still has power. It still has relevance. So you take that weed and you throw that weed away and you get the root of that good seed and you put that good seed back in the dirt and you pack that baby back down. But it takes time and effort to do that.

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let's talk about the, I'm so overwhelmed people[inaudible] that overwhelmed sensation that I experienced made my problem 10 times worse. Six months worse actually. Oh, so, so much. So then I'm down there. I've been talking for a week. So here's the thing, you talk to the Lord about wanting to get rid of stuff. He won't leave you alone until I get till you do it. Do you have, you noticed this? Cause you got the spirit of the living God in you. You know, I go on, oh I really need to do this. Oh our really changed that and we're like going, oh I think I forgot about that. But the spirit of God doesn't ever forget, right? Cause the spirit, God's starting to lead you in wholeness. So I'm like going, oh no. I said it's going to clear that bad, but I'd really rather be working with chuck and long floors going, it's getting hotter by the minute. And I'm still going, oh, it's too hot for me now. Oh it's too hot for me now. I don't want to do that. Laura's gone really? Like you can fool everybody, but you can't fool God. Right? Some of you think you're falling because you're fooling humans. You think you're fooling God, you know, full gun. So I'm down there working on it and I'm just standing there and I'm looking at this bed. I'm going, God, this is going to take me forever and he's going to take it. He said he's going gonna take you a minute longer for every minute that you stand here.

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here what I'm saying a minute longer for every minute that you stand here as we get started. So those of you who suffer with procrastination, paralysis, lots of stories that you tell about yourself. Just start it. Let me tell you what the Lord told me about when you hear yourself in overwhelmed procrastination of paralysis, this is what the Lord said for me in this, that I'm staying in there because I want someone else to do it

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for me.

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I want someone else to hurt over it instead of me. I want someone else to pay for it instead of me. Pay Attention, pay attention. And so while I'm down there working on this, the Lord is said, I actually had to stop grumbling. You know, cause then I went, this actually is amazing because the presence of the Lord is in every single thing that you do, every single thing that you do, the presence of the Lord is there. And the Lord said, Jana, your effort with me, listen to this, your effort with me and his presence, your effort in his presence is producing discernment and is producing an investment. My effort, your effort in the presence of the Lord is producing discernment and investment. We want, we want a lot, but are we willing to get in there with the spirit of God so that it might be done?

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so some things require one hand, some things required two hand, some things required, two fingers. It takes discernment in the presence of the Lord to know which one. But I just want to remind you of the obvious that if you don't pull up root and all, you'll be back two months from now. Do you need again, are you pulling up root and all? Because I can tell you in my process of trying to pull that up, I broke some of them off at the ground. They will come back up. So are you saying the same thing? Come back up. That means that you're not getting to the root of the issue. That's such a hard word and I got it. But nature is always singing the glory of God. If the same thing is coming up, you've not pulled up the route yet.

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so these are some hard trays, both weed and seed, our may to multiply both of them, both seed and wheat are made to multiply both weed and seed battle for ground. So which one are you enabling and which one are you upgrading? Both weed and seed are made to multiply both weed and seed battle for the ground of your heart. Which one are you enabling and which one are you uprooting? There's a new song out rock right now that I started to play this morning. It's talking about that. Um, I will praise you lord. I'll, I'll give thanks to the lord or something like that. And the song, the line in the song goes, when I don't have enough God, you're enough. When I don't have enough God, you're enough. And I kept listening to that and I was going, yeah, yeah. And then the Lord went just in my spirit. Lord said, who said that? Who said that you don't have enough? Goes to the Lord. Said what? The scripture says, Philippians four keep going on is my God will meet all your needs. Is that give us this day, our daily bread, the bread for today. Give us this day, our daily bread. And it says, I will meet all your needs in according to my glorious riches, not your glory, mindless riches. My God will meet all my needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. So when we say I don't have enough, who told you that? Who told you that you don't have enough? Because it says that God's wonderful peace that transcends human understanding. We'll make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ. Maybe you do have enough. You're just not asking the right person. Maybe you do have enough, but you don't have the ears to hear and the eyes to see, to understand how God has provided. I have a lot of people that I'm contending for. And do you know that old story? My Dad loves to tell this story. You know the old preacher story about somebody died and, and they went to heaven and they said, Lord, why didn't you rescue me? And I sent you a boat and I sent you a helicopter in it. You Do, do you know this story? Sure, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That guy. Yeah. That was anyway at the end, which, which we all do by the way, but um, there's something about that mentality about do you have the wisdom of heaven to recognize the provision of heaven? Do you have the wisdom of Heaven to recognize the provision of heaven? Because if you're trying to view God's provision from an earthly standard, you might be missing all these riches that Lord's trying to give you the wisdom of heaven to see the provision of heaven. It's not a go look like what you think. Okay. So let me just tell you a couple of quick stories and I'm going to be done is the head. Um, I've had a lot of stuff going on lately, but one, two things I want to share with you as one was being so challenged by how much can I have, you know, some of you just need to have the faith. You need it, get enough faith is to ask God, how much can I have? You're afraid to even ask God, let alone how much can you have? So we're just going to keep pushing you on that regard because he's abundant more than you can ask or imagine. So how much can you have? I don't know. How much are you asking for?

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I was asking the Lord A, we've just had this huge thing that's happened for us and we just, I was asking the Lord, who is this really legal? Can I have this? Is this okay? And the Lord showed me this picture that my, from that my head, my spirit is connected to heaven and the wealth of Heaven. But then as you go down my body, that the closer I get to the earth, the more that there's still this poverty spirit that lives in the root of my, in the balls of my feet, the soles of my feet. Because a poverty spirit is can't ask, shouldn't, shouldn't expect, not gonna get it. Somebody else is always going to get it. There's never enough poor pitiful me. Wow. Wow. Wow. Right. That's part of his spirit. Cause you don't, after all you are an orphan and you're a bastard and you have no help and no one's here for you. Cause that's what a poverty spirit things to all on me and nobody's going to help me because I'm all by myself. That's a poverty spirit. And so like I'm saying that to you boldly, cause I want you to understand what that sounds like in heaven. When you say that down here, nobody loves me. Nobody's gonna care for me. Nobody's going to take care of me. It's all on my own. How am I ever going to do that? I don't know. How are you going to do that? Because last time I checked, it's not you. It's us. Amen. You are ever forever, always in a party of four from now on, you and father, son and spirit. It's always us. From now on, you have to block that language of me alone. It is so the language of the enemy, you can never just be you ever again. So then asking the Lord, how do I get this poverty spirit out of the souls of my feet? And his response was by walking and steps of faith and impossibility, not just talking about it. Lots of people like to talk about it, but instead you have to walk it out in faith, believing to walk out on the water. And then when we were in Memphis last weekend, there's this place that I go with the Lord in prayer and I was there except this time I was wrapped up in chains, which I'm never, that's like my most freest place. And so I'm with the Lord and it's by a river. And um, I'm just looking at the Lord going, actually the Lord asked me, he's like, going, what are those?

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I'm going, I don't know. I don't know. He goes, how did you get this to go on? I don't know.

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And he goes, I do. And like, these are all the things, all the places that I was not believing him. All the places that I was afraid he wasn't going to come through all these places that I felt alone and they had become bond and chains around me. So so much of the bondage you're experiencing, you did that. You believed that. And your belief is what's brought that in. And so I'm just saying to the Lord, I don't even know how to take these off that you can't take these off, but I can. And so then he pulled them off, he pulled the chains off like there or nothing, and he just put them in this river, herbicides and then just as integrated as if there were nothing. It's not as if they were nothing, they were nothing. Do you understand? They were something to me, but in his presence with him and go, these are nothing like how did you ever believe these in the first place? And then shortly after that we transitioned Joe worship songs as you lead me to streams, living water[inaudible] so I just want to really bless you that your things that have got you the most stuck, well become nothing in his presence. If you'll let it,

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can you say that again? Maybe

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I'll say the things that have you been most stuck or nothing in his presence, if you'll let him. Do you understand? One of the most beautiful things about, um, one of the most beautiful things is that we have, we literally have the power to decide weed or seed weed or seed. We have that power. You get to decide that.

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Um, can you,

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I want to, um, I want to bring up, I'm gonna read this to you. This is, um, second Corinthians nine, six three 10.[inaudible] and I just wanna release a testimony. Is that in one of the worst financial times of my married life, I've had a lot of worst financial times.[inaudible] no, no. I mean, in my life, I just, until the last recent years, I like, this has been a journey with me, with the Lord because money had, you know, you know this where Jesus tells us story. You cannot love a man, God and Mammon, right? Cause it's whoever you're depending on, right. I know people who are dead broke and they still rely on money more than God. They got nothing and they still think if I had money, that'd be their answer. And then I have people who have thousands upon thousands of dollars in savings and guess who they rely on their money, right? Because if I have just enough savings, then I can be responsible. But you're still not relying on God, right? So there's something about the reason that you love God. And when you love God, God will give you money. But when you love money, money doesn't give you God. Do you understand what I'm saying? When you love God, God will give you the money that you need. Cause that's part of his covenant. But if you love money, it never gives you God.

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so God gave me this scripture, um, I mean, I'm not kidding. Um, okay. 19 years ago, and I read it and I said, if this is true, I'm going to live the rest of my life by this scripture and I'm going to believe it. And I've watched the Lord just continue to change. It was, it was a revelation. It was a seed that he gave me and I took it and I said, I'm going to hold onto this until it's absolutely true in my life.[inaudible] and I just read it in the passion. It was something that came through my desk and, and I just went, God, thank you for being faithful. So we're going to pull this up and we're going to read it all together. But just listen to me for a second as we read it. Here's my point. A stingy solar will reap a meager harvest, but the one who sows from a generous spirit will reap an abundant harvest. Let giving flow from your heart, not from a sense of religious duty, let it spring up freely from the joy of giving all because God loves hilarious generosity. Yes. God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, meaning any area so that you will have more than enough of everything, every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance and every good thing you do, just as the scripture say about the one who trusts in him because he is sown extravagant, really and given to the poor, his kindness and generous deeds will never be forgotten. This generous God who supplies abundant seed for the farmer stay with me, which becomes bread for our meals is even more extravagant toward you. First he supplies every need plus more. Then he multiplies the seed as you saw it so that the harvest of your generosity will grow.[inaudible] so just want to bless you with you coming to a place of awareness and understanding that you have a lavish, abundant god. Listen, a lavish and abundant god, not just in spiritual things, spiritual, relational, financial provision, you know sought. We talked about the last time I talk, God, reality, God initiative. God provision is that if there is a place of lack in your life, you don't want to go. Um, everybody else got the gun stuff right? That's poverty, right? You want to come back and go, God, you promised abundant living in every area of my life. What do I have to do to my soil to make sure that that happens? Okay. So I just want to pray for you then chuck, I'm going to give you this if you'll pull this up so we can read it together. And so we'll just kind of end that, the ceremony, the ceremony, the, the season right here for this, we pray for sport. I ask that even this morning there, revelation at you have brought to each one of us. Uh, just as you've been speaking to each one of us throughout the morning. I pray for that good seed to go in good soil cause we are good soil, Lord, resurrection, power filled soil and that you would give us the faith and the confidence and the surety to pull the weeds that would choke out your good seed. So we just thank you God for the way that you love us, this crazy love, and I just, I bless this people, I bless these people to be drenched with favor, to be drenched in your abundance and your goodness. Yeah. Thank you, Lord. In every area. If you want that, what you just say, I receive that in Jesus' name. Amen.