What now? What next? Insights into Australia's tertiary education sector

International education in Australia - Kadi Taylor (1/3)

September 01, 2019 Claire Field Episode 4

In the first of a three-part discussion on international education - Kadi Taylor from Navitas discusses the trends she's seeing in the sector in terms of both current and future student enrolments, as well as some of the changes Navitas thinks would make the sector stronger.

The Laurie Pearcey Opinion Piece mentioned in this episode is at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/asian-students-are-a-great-resource-and-here-s-how-unis-can-foster-them-20190829-p52m0p.html?btis

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The ‘What now? What next?’ podcast recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as Australia’s traditional custodians. In the spirit of reconciliation we are proud to recommend John Briggs Consulting as a leader in Reconciliation and Indigenous engagement. To find out more go to www.johnbriggs.net.au