The Divine Nourishment Podcast with Danielle DelVecchio

Surrendering the Fear: Moving Through Life with Curiosity.

August 05, 2019 Danielle DelVecchio Episode 4

In life you are either living out of fear or love. Often, the decisions we make, our actions we do and speech we talk, can come from a place of fear (often without even realizing). That fear is usually caused from some form of lack that we experience in in life. “I don’t have enough, I am not good enough, smart enough, if I just lost a few more pounds.” The endless struggle of thinking that we are without. When in reality, we have just what we need. 

When we surrender to the things that we can’t immediately change, honor and move forward with curiosity to change the things we can, we will begin to feel a shift. Surrendering allows us to protect our energy, by not investing and attaching ourselves to those everyday annoyances that might otherwise throw us off. Slowly, as our awareness becomes sharper, we remain vigilant in monitoring how we react, how we talk and how we act. We begin to catch ourselves when we start going down that road of lack or disappointment, and decide to shift our positive mindset. 

At the end of the day, we all want to experience happiness, contentment and a sense of ease. This is often a tough, never ending practice that gets easier and more natural over time as you begin to lead your life. 

As you continue showing up each day, treating yourself right and making those little shifts, you will connect the dots looking back and realize that you have altered your course of acting out of fear and are moving forward with more love and curiosity.

 “A miracle is just a shift in perception from fear to love” A Course in Miracles

“Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.” Ram Dass

Walking with You,

Danielle xo + Josh