The Divine Nourishment Podcast with Danielle DelVecchio

Falling Out of Alignment: How We Evolve on Our Spiritual Path.

Danielle DelVecchio with Josh DelVecchio Episode 6

No matter how far you have progressed on your spiritual journey, somewhere along the path, it is normal to fall out of alignment. While this seems quite contrary, it's a must. While this can be hard to accept, we need to continue to experience these moments in order to continue to grow. Everything is happening for us in some way, even if we can't see it in the moment. 

Whether it’s your ego, someone who is close to you or an event in life, it is natural for us to revert back to old ways of thinking, reacting or being.  Its normal to resist, even though we all know what we resist persists. It is through our awareness and curiosity that we can continue to bring ourselves back into alignment, learning from these instances where we are tested. 

True growth comes from how resilient we can be during trying times and from our failures.  All ‘failure’ is really just feedback.  As we surrender to the ebb and flow, the light and the dark, we have the power to cultivate radical acceptance for what is so that we can rise up higher each time toward our truth, not staying stuck in the past. Learning, not resenting. Curious, not fearful. Peaceful, not resistant.  

Honor yourself through the seasons and know that these are the hard lessons and challenges that build true growth. The continual experience of contrast allows us to launch new desires as we continue to evolve into the happiest, healthiest, highest version of ourselves.  

This is the journey. There is no final destination. We are always arriving. Embrace it. Radical Acceptance is where our freedom lives. 

Walking with You,


Danielle xo + Josh