The Divine Nourishment Podcast with Danielle DelVecchio

Releasing Limitations Toward Your Spiritual Growth.

Danielle DelVecchio with Josh DelVecchio Episode 7

Often, when we are not causing our own personal limitation toward progressing to higher levels of being, there are several external influences that can. Part of this journey is being open and vulnerable. Calling yourself to higher levels of being, which can scare people when you no longer feed their ego, can appear to be unorthodox and too far beyond their emotional capacity to meet you.

This is ok. You are ok.

Know that you may continue, even if that means leaving others behind who no longer align with your values of how you want to experience this life. But, you must do it from a place of love, understanding and humility. This is your journey, it is vital that you do what you need to in order to change negative thoughts, actions, behaviors and ways of being in order to step into your authentic truth.  It's important to honor how you feel and to protect your energy.  It's the only way to RISE.

The healthiest, happiest, highest version of ourselves is something we choose on a daily basis, it requires taking inventory and leading our lives with the courage to walk away from anything that is no longer serving us.

This journey of soul expansion does not require anything but BEING your true self and living in integrity with your highest self.

Learning to be silent. To be still. To find peace. Often, the result of being alone can be a result of no longer going with the flock, which can generate emotions of fear and apprehension. Our ego doesn’t want someone else to think ill of our new found awareness and motivation for calling ourselves to more, especially when it may be someone we love and respect. Know that this is partly your old self’s ego that is not at ease with change and what can come with that.

If you have all ready become aware that there is more to you and for you and you are ready to do the work and step into your true reality, but fear what others might think, understand that those who are meant to be in your life will show up. They will celebrate you as you morph into a happier, healthier, higher version that continues showing up for yourself. Those who are not, will soon be forgotten.

If we allow others to ultimately affect our own personal conscious and stunt our spiritual growth, you will always be cognizant of the fact that you will continue to live in resistance. Against your own spiritual code. Knowing the possibilities of what could have been, if only you did not fear what comes with taking off this mask that has only grows heavier with each year. The soul is calling.

Step through that threshold, stop limiting yourself, know that a whole other way of thinking lies just beyond. A place where fear is suffocated by love. Where you are no longer victim to feelings of remorse and criticism from other’s perspective of how you should be. You get to choose. You get to decide. You are now consciously stepping off the path that was laid out for you and walking the path that was always meant for you.  Your soul is calling, continue to honor yourself, continue to answer the call and the right poeple will show up to walk this journey with you.

Walking with you,

-Danielle xo + Josh