New Hope Community Church

When WISDOM Builds a House

New Hope Community Church, Chris Collins
Proverbs 24: 3-41. How do I start BUILDING my life on Wisdom? Blueprints for Wisdom are found in GodProverbs 1: 7; 9: 10Psalm 111: 10Proverbs 8: 13Structure for Wisdom is found in trusting ChristColossians 2: 131 Corinthians 1: 20-302. How can Wisdom be ESTABLISHED in my life? Live by Wisdom you’ve already been givenPsalm 1: 2-3Get input from those who demonstrate WisdomProverbs 13: 201 Corinthians 1: 20-30Be open to correction from Wisdom3. How can Wisdom be INVITING to others? Allow God to get the creditProverbs 10: 1; 15: 20Invest in Relationships that are seeking WisdomProverbs 9: 8b-92 Timothy 2: 2