New Hope Community Church

Finishing the Task

New Hope Community Church, Steve Marcum
Statistics 1.2 billion People live on less than $1 per day. Every day 30,500 children under the age of 5 die from diseases that are preventable in our country. During this decade Africa will lose 1/5 of its adult population to HIV / AIDS Disease Tonight 800 million people will go to bed hungry – most are women and children. 55 countries – almost 1 billion people do not have clean water. At the beginning of this century 1.6 billion still have not heard the gospel. 382 million people live in a culture without 1 church. There are 3,700 unreached people groups and 2,000 of these groups have never heard the name of Jesus one time. Acts 1: 1-8 Matthew 28: 19-20 1. God Has a Plan Acts 20: 24 John 14: 16, 26 Ephesians 5: 18 2. God Has the Power Acts 1: 8 Greek for Power – "Dunamin" means to enable them 3. God Has a Place Dr. Adrian Rogers says, "The light that shines the furthest around the world shines the brightest at home." Luke 24: 47 Missions Statement at Bellevue: Love God; Love People; Share Jesus; Make Disciples 4. God Has A Promise Matthew 28: 20 Philippians 4: 19 Acts 20: 24