New Hope Community Church

Your Next Steps: "Go on a mission trip"

August 31, 2014 New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Jesus’ missionary instructions (Luke 10: 1-16) go with a team (v. 1) go all over the world (v. 1) pray (v. 2) be ready for challenges (v. 3) go with urgency (v. 4) find a “person of peace” (v. 5-7) stay focused (v. 8) help others/share the Good News (v. 9) trust rejection to God (v.10-15) it’s all about God, not you (v. 16) #1. Going on a mission trip brings joy Luke 10: 17 #2. Going on a mission trip impacts eternity Luke 10: 18-20 #3. Going on a mission trip blesses God Luke 10: 21-22 #4. Going on a mission trip blesses you Luke 10: 23-24 Jeremiah 31: 33 Hebrews 11: 13 John 14: 12 John 16: 7 Questions to consider… - Is it time for you to go on a mission trip? - Do you need to take a step of action today? pray with someone get a passport join the Acts 1:8 team - Is it time to go “on mission” every day? - Is some sin holding you back? - Do you need to give your life to God? What’s the “Big Idea” today? Deciding to be on mission for God and to go on a mission trip is a decision that could change your life.