New Hope Community Church

Discover Your Purpose: Tracing the Path of Your Life

November 30, 2014 New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
All of us wonder at times in our lives, what am I supposed to do with my life? What is my purpose for being here? During this series, we’re going to discover that God created us for a reason. He has a plan for each of our lives, and we’re going to talk about how you can find out His plan for your life! Discover Your Purpose: Tracing the Path of Your Life Exodus 3: 1-10 #1. The experiences you have had Exodus 3: 1a Important experiences for Moses... - the name he was given - adversity in his life - experience in leading people What are the 7 most significant events in your life? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. #2. The people you have known Exodus 3: 1b The people who impacted Moses’ life… - a Godly father-in-law Exodus 2: 18 Exodus 18: 13-27 - Godly parents Exodus 2: 1-9 Hebrews 11: 23 - he grew up in Pharaoh’s court Exodus 2: 10 #3. The places you have been God led Moses to... - a quiet place - a special place What are some of the special places you have been/lived? What impact have those places had on your life? Are there any places that God has spoken to you in a special way? #4. The ways God has spoken to you Matthew 4: 4 Ways the Lord spoke to Moses... (Exodus 3: 2-10) - God sent a messenger (v. 2a) - God got his attention (v. 2b-3) - God spoke to him personally (v. 4) - God overwhelmed him with His greatness (v. 5-6) - God gave Him a calling (v. 7-10) When are some times in your life when God has clearly spoken to you?