New Hope Community Church

Controlled by Fear or Led by Faith?

New Hope Community Church, Jeff Gordon
Genesis 12: 10-20 When we respond in fear, we... 1. Jeopardize the blessings of God During his time of crisis, Abraham left the boundaries where God had promised to bless. When we respond in fear, we... 2. May miss the miracles of God God loves to provide abundantly when there is nothing! 2 Kings 4 - Elisha provides oil for the widow when there was none. 2 Kings 7: 1 - In a famine, God miraculously disperses the Syrian army to provide food John 6 - Feeding of the 5,000 When we respond in fear, we... 3. Tarnish our testimony as believers The Faith Response: Wait for God’s leading before acting. Believe God will intervene, even when it seems there is no hope. Place God’s glory above personal security.