New Hope Community Church

Coming Home: Would God Really Take Me Back?

New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Have you ever felt that you have wandered far from God? Do you wonder how God feels about your life because of that? In this sermon series called “Coming Home” we see that there is no place that we can get to in our lives that is too far for us to be able to come back to God! “Would God Really Take Me Back?” Luke 15: 17-24 Are you far from God because you have: - never become a child of God? - moved away from the Lord? #1. There comes a time when we wake up Luke 15: 17-20a Isaiah 53: 6a Proverbs 9: 10 Romans 6: 16 We are going to be someone’s servant. Better to serve God than to serve sin. We show that we want God’s help by: - humility - confession - repentance - wanting to make things right II Corinthians 7: 11 Penance = paying for your sins Repentance = being sorry for your sins and wanting to change Isaiah 55: 3, 6-7 You cannot help someone when you care more about their problems than they do. #2. God is eagerly awaiting our return The most common accusation brought against Jesus was that He was a friend of sinners. Luke 15: 20b-24 Instead of the SON being far away, now only his SINS were far away. Psalm 103: 12 Proverbs 13: 24