New Hope Community Church

Growing Deeper, Getting Stronger: Managing Your Money

June 14, 2015 New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Have you begun exploring what it means to follow Christ, but are sensing that there is more? Maybe you've been a Christian a while but have moved away from your closeness with Christ. In this series, we talk about some key elements to growing and getting stronger as a follower of Christ. I Timothy 6: 7-11 We have an enemy who is evil, and he is always looking for a weak spot into our lives. #1. See money for what it is worth I Timothy 6: 7 We need to keep it in perspective: - One day it will be worthless - We cannot take it with us You never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul. He who dies with the most toys...just dies. #2. Use it for its basic purposes I Timothy 6: 8 When I go to work, what am I working for? 1. Give it 2. Spend it 3. Grow it - Give it worship, faith, & obedience Deuteronomy 8: 18 Proverbs 3: 9-10 Malachi 3: 8 - Spend it God provides what we need – The Basics God gives us even more – The Blessings - Grow it God grows things, and if we are following Him...we will grow things, too. We tend to focus more on The Blessings than The Basics. #3. Don’t become enslaved to it I Timothy 6: 9-11 What kind of problems can money cause? - more temptations in our lives - traps that will catch and hurt us - foolish and harmful desires - drown us in pain and destruction - be a starting point for all sorts of other problems - move us away from God Luke 16: 9 Matthew 6: 19-20