New Hope Community Church

Growing Deeper, Getting Stronger: Dedicating Your Home to God

June 28, 2015 New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
New Hope Community Church
Growing Deeper, Getting Stronger: Dedicating Your Home to God
Show Notes
Have you begun exploring what it means to follow Christ, but are sensing that there is more? Maybe you've been a Christian a while but have moved away from your closeness with Christ. In this series, we talk about some key elements to growing and getting stronger as a follower of Christ. Joshua 24: 1-15 #1. Learn from the past “Those who ignore the past are destined to repeat it.” Sometimes, God brings us to special places where He can speak to us in a special way. 2 things God wants us to learn from our past: - Our mistakes - His goodness to us What are some things from your past that God might want to use to help your home be stronger in the future? -in our nation -in your extended family (family of origin) -in your own life -in your marriage -with your kids #2. Make your decision Joshua 24: 14-15 Sometimes, it is time to make your decision. II Corinthians 6: 2b Hebrews 3: 7-8 Philippians 3: 13b-14 Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not promised. What will you do today? How to dedicate your home to God: - Make it your aim to glorify God I Corinthians 10: 31 - Give the relationships to God 2 of the best decisions you can make for your home: pray for each one by name every day pray with your family every day - Promote a Godly atmosphere You will not stumble upon Godliness. I Timothy 4: 7b - Be dead to self. If you want your home to be all that it needs to be, you must stop being focused on self!