New Hope Community Church

Running from God: "Here I Go Again"

February 10, 2013 New Hope Community Church, Robbie Lankford
Has the Lord ever given you a second chance but then you blew it again? That’s something we all struggle with and that’s what we’re going to explore in Jonah 4 as we talk about “Here I Go Again!”#1. Taking a step back – v. 1-3Psalm 145: 8 (John 3: 16 of Old Testament)if you are taking steps back, consider these thoughts… a. don’t forget what happened before b. focus on this decision, not the past ones (good or bad) c. don’t treat grace lightly#2. Having God speak to us (again) – v. 4-11Matthew 6: 26Proverbs 12: 10#3. Deciding where you go from here – v. 12