Music Talks

Christmas B-Side 8 - Best of Music Talks 2019

Terry Smith

This episode contains my favourite choice for each decade from the 12 episodes I have done this year and its a great introduction to the Music Talks format and the great musical choices and stories it generates. 

As I say in the intro to this episode this one really is for me as I just wanted to see how it sounded if i put all the clips and intro's together. The good news is that , at least to me , it sounds pretty good. 

In amongst all the festive cheer if you need a quiet hour, with some good music and interesting chat , then you could do worse than listen to this. 

Thanks to my guests - Paul,Ian, Richard,Jen, larry & Simp for their part in making this episode such a great record of what has been a fantastic year for me. Thanks also to my other guests and to every person who has listened , its appreciated more than you know . 

If you would like to be on the show then please contact me at

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