Music Talks

Christmas B-Side - Best Albums of 2019

Terry Smith/Steven Routledge

I am marking the end of the year and the start of the New Year with a two-part "Best Of 2019" episode. My guest in this endeavour is a previous guest on Music Talks and now a good friend, Steven Routledge . 

In the last epsiode Steven and I choose our favourite 10 songs from the year , talked through our choices and played a few clips from those songs. In this  episode we do the same but this time around its our Top 10 Albums of the year that we review, 

This Spotify Playlist contains a song from each album that we choose along with album titles and details . I hope you find something new and interesting in here and if you do please let me know

Can I also remind folks that Music Talks supports "Chapters" functionality found in many of the major Podcast apps. Each song choice has its own chapter allowing you quick and easy access to our thoughts and ruminations on a specific album. The Chapter title is Artist then Album.  

I hope you find something new and interesting in here and if you have done your own "Best of 2019" list then I would love to see it please ! You can contact me on Twitter @MusicTalksPod or on email at 

If you would like to be on the show then please contact me at

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