Music Talks

Episode 13 - Andy Watson - Renaissance Man

Terry Smith/Andy Watson Season 2 Episode 1

"Renaissance Man" is a big tag to apply to anyone but in Andy's case it is completely justified. I have had the pleasure of knowing Andy for over 20 years and he is a remarkable man in so many ways.
 Of Maltese/Welsh parentage he grew up in New Zealand before returning to the UK to go to Cambridge to study Maths & Physics. The proud father of two children , he is a self-confessed Physics & Astronomy geek with two masters degrees in AI who also happens to love Rugby (The All Blacks) and Football (Manchester United),  as well as Shakespeare, Keats and, as you will hear , a host of great music and books. 
 Being diminutive is not a barrier to Andy's action man tendencies and last year he completed a 1500 Km spiritual and very physical journey on the Camino De Santiago. As this episode launches, he will be making the final preparation for a two-month sailing adventure through some of the most challenging waters in the world. Retirement is clearly suiting him! 
 In amongst all of that Andy makes some great musical choices and then tells a series of  moving , powerful, stories that will forever change the way I listen to these songs.
 I can’t think of a better way to start the new series and this is an episode to savour! 
 Full versions of all Andy's choices, as well as other artists and songs referenced in the episode, can be found her

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