RSPCA Australia's Humane Food Podcast

What is humane food? With Hope from the RSPCA

July 04, 2019 RSPCA Australia Season 1 Episode 1

Brian Daly interviews RSPCA Australia’s Humane Food Manager, Hope Bertram, to find out more about humane food. 

The RSPCA believes you can eat meat, dairy or eggs and still care about the welfare of the animals that provide it. These animals are living, feeling creatures, capable of experiencing fear, pain and distress. The RSPCA believes all animals should be treated humanely, whether they’re animals we farm for food or live with as companions.

Humane food is food that is animal-welfare friendly. Standards on animal-welfare friendly farms are higher than those in conventional systems and those required by law. Their environment provides for the animal’s behavioural and physiological needs. It means that from the paddock to the plate, animals have been treated humanely and with full consideration of their needs.

The RSPCA’s Humane Food initiatives form part of RSPCA Australia’s efforts to improve the welfare of farm animals. The RSPCA aims to increase the number of animals farmed in higher welfare production systems and to increase the market share of higher welfare products available to consumers.

The RSPCA is working to educate consumers about where their food comes from and increase demand for higher welfare products through its Humane Food programs, including the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme and Choose Wisely.

Key points:

-          History of RSPCA’s role in agriculture 

-          How animals are farmed in Australia today 

-          How legislation works in relation to farm animal welfare 

-          Some of the biggest animal welfare concerns today for Australian farm animals 

-          The RSPCA’s approach to engaging with farming industry and encouraging change for better animal welfare 

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