RSPCA Australia's Humane Food Podcast

Why cage free will help end the battery cage. With Matt Howe from Three Beans

RSPCA Australia Season 1 Episode 2

Brian Daly interviews Three Bean’s Director, Matt Howe, to find out more about Three Beans Cafes early adoption of higher welfare eggs and his perceptions of the egg industry in Australia. 

The RSPCA is strongly opposed to battery cages and believes there must now be a legislative phase-out of their use. For many years, the RSPCA has campaigned against housing hens in battery cages and raised public awareness of the inherent welfare issues of these systems through education and advertising campaigns. The RSPCA has, and will continue to, lobby governments and the egg industry to stop this inhumane production method in Australia.

A very positive and successful move to get hens out of cages was the development of the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme. 

Egg producers who meet the RSPCA Standards for layer hens can use the RSPCA logo on the pack to show that the hens producing these eggs have been raised in a well-managed, higher welfare system that provides for the behavioural and physiological needs of the hen. 

Hens raised to the Standards are provided with an environment that enables them to display important behaviours such as nesting, perching, dust bathing, wing flapping, foraging and scratching. Battery cages do not allow hens to perform these behaviours.

Companies going the extra mile to source RSPCA Approved eggs should be applauded, and Three Beans have been a long supporter of Rohde's RSPCA Approved eggs.

Key points:

-          Three Beans journey to sourcing RSPCA Approved eggs from Rohde's 

-          The welfare issues for layer hens in egg production 

-          How companies can do better by sourcing higher welfare eggs 

Further links: