RSPCA Australia's Humane Food Podcast

How can a chef put humane food on the menu? With Simon Bryant

RSPCA Australia Season 2 Episode 3

Brian Daly interviews Simon Bryant, former Executive Chef at Hilton Adelaide, and Festival Director of Tasting Australia.  

Simon Bryant is probably most well known in Australia from his long running ABC TV series with Maggie Beer ‘the cook and the chef’. He is passionate about the welfare of animals after growing up on a hobby farm and this has led to his work advocating for the use of ethical ingredients. As a chef putting humane food on the menu, Simon has been involved in the RSPCA’s Choose Wisely initiative which is all about getting Australian’s to think about their food when they’re eating out – especially the eggs on their plate.  

Join us in this episode to unpack how chefs can make a difference to the welfare of animals farmed for food through their menu development, and how consumers can support it.  

Key points:  

  • Simon Bryant’s connection with animals and how he works to educate his customers about animal welfare  
  • The dilemma Simon faces in sustainable menu development when there are so many factors to consider 
  • Themes in transparency and language in the marketing of animal derived products  
  • What Simon Bryant believes industry should be doing to increase consumer awareness about farming practices  

Further links: