
From Pakistan to President: Meet our new President, Robby Angle


In this episode of the NEW Trueface podcast, we get to know the new president of Trueface, Robby Angle. Robby introduces himself and shares the new direction of the podcast and some exciting things coming to Trueface in 2020.

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Welcome to the Trueface podcast, where we discuss principles that help us live beyond the mask. My name is Robbie Angle. I'm the new president of Trueface. And I am really excited to be your host of this new podcast. It's a new year, A new decade. Welcome to 2020. With it, we are launching our new Trueface podcast, which is super exciting. We're gonna have these coming at ya every other week on Thursdays, we're gonna have guests. We're gonna hear stories. We're gonna unpack principles and apply them to our lives. Now is a time if you have not been the listener or you've been checking other stuff out or you're new to the Trueface podcast, please. Like it. Subscribe it because the next few podcasts we've got some good ones coming your way. We've got Bill Thrall and Bruce McNichol and John Lynch. We're gonna interview them, hear stories of their lives and principles behind those stories, and it's gonna be really, really exciting. So this is a new podcast for y'all. And there's a lot of you who have been faithful listeners as part of the Trueface Team over the years, if you aren't aware the podcast has been going for six years. I've been listening to it for a lot of those years as a fan and the listener, which is why it's really honoring to be, your host now moving forward. But there's been a total of about half a 1,000,000 listens over the years. There's been listens on every continent, which is cool, and a lot of you guys have gone to the podcast as a source of encouragement and practical application of complex biblical truths like understanding, trust and grace and our identity and these truths that the true face team has simplified to apply into our lives. And we hope to continue that in this next chapter of the podcast. It's gonna look a little different and sound a little different, and we hope you like it. And if you don't let us know, shoot us an email, let us know as you guys were part of the team. But we hope this is a blessing, and we hope that it's a lot of fun since a lot of you guys were part of the team. This podcast is gonna be a little different. I wanted to just introduce myself, and I also wanted to catch you up on what's been happening here at Trueface, the changes that have been going on over the past few months to just pull everybody up to speed. So first I'll introduce myself and give you a little bit of context as to where I came from and now in this role as president. Over the past few months, it's been an amazing journey, and this message has had such an impact on my life as Trueface really is more of a movement. It's a group of us who have been impacted by the teaching and the message, and we come together to try to live lives more in line with who God has made us to be, to mature into who he has made us to be as men and women as adopted sons and daughters, living into our identity and experiencing grace as a result. So this ministry impacted my life significantly. About eight years ago is when I first read the cure and jumped into the Trueface world. But a little more context. Before that, my dad was on staff with young life. So I was in young life, and I studied business finance at Florida, thinking I was going into the ministry world. Um, and then I was also on student staff with young life and couldn't shake just a love for relationships and intentional relationships and ministry out of Florida. I got married. Emily and I have been married for 15 years, which feels like I'm getting old. Some of you guys were thinking, I'm fresh in the game, but that we'd been married for about 15 years and about a year and a half of marriage. We ended up international working for Samaritans purse in Pakistan and Myanmar and spent some time to an international disaster response work. And I'll come back to that in a minute because that's where these principles really started taking root in my life. After Pakistan, I went into professional counseling for about five years, partly as a client and also as a licensed professional counselor. My wife and I both got our masters and then practiced doing counselling with individuals and families, and we loved it out of that counseling. Out of those counseling years, I ended up working for a church about eight years ago called North Point Community Church. Down in north Georgia, Brown's Bridge, North Point, I was out a couple different campuses where I was director of men's groups. Ah, and the director of adult Ministries, where we worked with groups at Northpoint Community Church to help connect relationaly and grow spiritually. And so during that time, I incorporate a lot of the true face teaching materials into our groups in our leader development at North Point. And I saw the transformation that happened as a result of understanding and applying these true face truce into our lives. Um, but but a little bit of context as to when I first came into it in this message when I was in Pakistan, I was, you know, high driving, high achieving Christian. I still am. Love Jesus. I know life is short, and so I felt like it was this answered prayer of like, Ah, man, I'm aligned with this opportunity to do amazing things for the kingdom because there was that part of me when I was younger that, like as a driven, high achieving type, a Christian, you know, like a super Christian's either, like Billy Graham or like a missionary in Africa. And so I was in my twenties as leading a team in northern Pakistan, Al Qaeda territory doing post disaster missions work. And on paper it was, It was like I felt like I had achieved, It was like, man, finally, I'm doing this amazing ministry stuff, and I was the most broken than I'd ever felt in my life. I entered into a season where God just cracked open my chest and showed me the depths of my pride and how it was so much easier for me to do for God, then receive his love. During that time, I felt like God was saying, Robby, stop, I love you. I don't need you to do anything for me. In fact, I felt like God was saying, I would rather you go back to the States and be a janitor in a high school and receive my love for you for 15 minutes a day. Just be aware of my love for you as your father for 15 minutes a day than doing 15 16 hours of incredible quote unquote missions in northern Pakistan. And that was such a paradigm shifter for me. And if you if you knew me, um you would know that that is way harder for me. My pride is so jacked up that it infuses itself into my motives and my drive and out of my pride of wanting to do for God and also having a fear of not living a life of purpose. That's what was driving my desires, my primary desires, to do all this mission's and and work for God. Um, And I felt like God was just saying, Robby, I got this. I just I just want you as my son to know how much I love you and to receive the depths of my love for you. But again, if you knew me, you would know It's so much harder for me to do nothing for God and just receive his love for me. It's so much easier for me to do. Which again is is foundational in understanding the difference between pleasing God and trusting God. Because it's just so much easier for me to please God, to do for God, then receive his love. And that was the ceiling of my experience of God's love and therefore this ceiling in my own life because of my pride as to the experience of receiving an experiencing grace. And it was then, um, I spent about five years in counselling working through some of the stuff. And then when I was at North Point, I was co leading a group of some 20 year old guys in a mentoring group. And my co leader, David and Meyer, said, Um, hey, I read this book called True Face. We were looking for a book on identity, and he said, I think they have a new version called the Cure and I read the Cure for the first time. And it was the most clearly articulated message speaking to these principles of identity and pleasing versus trusting and what that results in in regards to how we see God and how we see ourselves. It gave handles and clarity that, um to the things that I had been wrestling with, an unpacking and trying to understand, which just provided so much freedom and acceleration for my own understanding of God's love, an application of that in my life. And so I saw it changed my life. How the again the nuanced way that the true face guys articulated These truce just lead to freedom and experiencing God's love on a new level. That's the power of the gospel. And most ministries are a reflection or an adaptation of the Gospel in different ways that help us apply and understand it in better ways in our lives. And that's what true face did in my life. So I saw also saw that happen in the men and women around me and in their lives. And so I started working to infuse the true face principles into some of the leader development and into the group's at North Point, and I saw the power of it. I think I pedaled enough books through that role that eventually I started becoming friends with John and Bill and Bruce. They would they would have taken my call. I think they did before I started peddling enough books. But over the years, we just built a friendship bill. Thrall. Actually, ah has been my personal mentor for the past couple years. I got into a group with him and then earlier this year I felt like God was up to a new chapter and um, wrapped up my time at North Point and opened this opportunity as Bill and Bruce and John have been looking for a new president CEO and to transition this ministry into the next generation. And that is what I transitioned into about six months ago. And it's been a humble, humbling, amazing ride so far, and part of that is this new podcast, which we're really excited to launch to you guys. So as you are part of the true face team I wanted to catch you up on Ah, what's been going on, Um, over the past few months. So Bill, John and Bruce are still around and still amazing, and you're gonna hear them on this podcast. John is continuing to speak and write and communicate for true Face. He's doing some other endeavors is while John Lynch speaks toe to spread this message on new platforms. But he is still the true face Primary communicator Message messenger, as he is such a talented communicator. Bruce Eyes still on the team. He, Bruce and Bill founded True Face almost 25 years ago, and Bruce is still in Phoenix. We're working, um, together closely, and it has been amazing to tag team. Um, with with all these guys. Um and including Bill. Bill is Bill turned 80 a couple months ago, which is just amazing. And y'all he Ah, it is just incredible to have such a faithful, godly example and man and he's continuing to work with the team moving forward. We also have some new team members from transition. As we have shifted the headquarters of true face from Phoenix to north of Atlanta. We have a new office new team. You will meet some of the team over the months on this podcast. But we have been hard at work. Y'all we have been hearing from you speak into a lot of you as to the potential of taking this message to the next generation of taking this message that has changed so many of our lives and creating scalable, replicable reach for this to reach the next generation. The mission here it true face is the quip people to experience authentic relationships with God and others. We know that people are disconnected in their relationships with God, themselves and others. So true face provides content and relation. Alexe Piri Ince's and leader development to inspire you, inspire movement of people and teams toe live authentically into experience. Freedom. That's our hope. And if you are having trouble with applying grace in your everyday life than we hoped, this podcast is one more thing. To help you do that. Our hope is to provide practical and helpful applications of grace and trust so that you can live beyond the mask. Every other week we're gonna be doing this through the podcast and we're also gonna be providing new blog's, which are live right now at our website true face dot org's. We overhauled the website. We've got a new logo, we got new blog's. This is a new podcast and we're working on some really cool new ah experiences for you. One of those is a relational experience where you will be equipped to connect with God and one other person over a 30 day relation A ll challenge that's going to be coming out in the next couple months. We ah, the team has been working on this stuff and taken this ministry into this this new season in New Chapter, where we want to do a better job equipping you to have X to experience authentic relationship. Because if we can connect inauthentic relationship with God and others, then the principles of trust and grace which are made possible through our humility through the context of authentic, really ship become realized and applied in our lives. And that is transformational because that is the gospel of grace that that often we miss. And we as a as a group as a movement want to get it right. And so that's what's gonna be happening on this podcast. So again, thank you for tuning in. Please go to true face dot or check out the new website, sign up for the blog's of the newsletter and like and subscribe to this podcast. I wait for two weeks from now where we launch another one with Bill Thrall. You're not gonna wanna miss it. Let us know how we could make it better. Thank you for being part of the team and I'll see you next time. Bye.