High Performance Pathways

Jason, Jesse & Davis - 2 Navy SEALs & a NCAA Football Player - All Disaster Relief Humanitarians. (Season 2, Episode #2)

Court Whitman (host) Jason Perez (guest) Jesse Lee (guest) Davis Warren (guest) Season 2 Episode 2

An intimate conversation between Court (host) and Jason Perez, Jesse Lee and Davis Warren about being a Navy SEAL, sport, and the impact of formative experiences - which for these 3 guys - collided in the Bahamas doing post-Hurricane Dorian disaster relief work.

To support the Bahamas - and these servants in their work - please go to abacorescuefund.org. And follow, like and share all the content on Facebook @abacorescuefund on Instagram @ #abacorescuefund and on Twitter @AbacoRescueFund. 

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