High Performance Pathways

Bill Protzmann - Musician, Veteran Advocate, Founder MusicCare Inc., & Founder/Chief Consultant for TetraDym Inc. (Season 2, Episode #14)

April 02, 2020 Court Whitman (artist) Bill Protzmann (guest) Season 2 Episode 14
High Performance Pathways
Bill Protzmann - Musician, Veteran Advocate, Founder MusicCare Inc., & Founder/Chief Consultant for TetraDym Inc. (Season 2, Episode #14)
Show Notes

In informative conversation w/Bill Protzmann about his mission to "Raise Awareness of the Power of Music as Self-Care." Tune in to learn about Bill's 30 year career leading a high-tech telecom management firm and how Bill uses music to heal, inspire and generally enable high performance in himself and the others he serves.  Connect with Bill on LinkedIn here. Explore Bill's perspective on Music as a self-care habit at quest.musiccare.net or learn more about Bill at his website MusicCare.net.

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