Angel and May

A01-E01 - A Bad Day in LA

Helen Ekundayo / Cecilia Girard / Robert Gettons / Hannah Martin / Priya Shah / Gabriel King / Viv Braybrook / Steven Cameron / Melanie Blizard Season 1 Episode 1

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A very bad day actually gets worse for Alex Luci Angel and Sharrow May. How can you end up in a garbage shute, whilst being pursued by the Russian Mafia? Well, its something that only Angel and May could do, with some help from their feisty secretary Kris.

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                             EPISODE 1 - WHERE OFFERINGS FELL

               INT. BAR

                                                             BAR SOUNDS

                         Well howdy folks my name is SLIM
                         and you'll find me propping up the
                         small bar at the Retrograde Inn.
                         Now this here inn is in New London
                         in the Asteroid Belt, the year is
                         2075, the story I'm about to tell
                         you is about two detectives. You
                         know folks, we all good days and
                         bad days, but these two detectives,
                         they have a run of bad luck that
                         would surprise even the most
                         hardened gumshoe. Anyway you don't
                         want to hear me drivelling on, you
                         just want to hear me start the
                         story.  How come two people so
                         unmatched in their character end up
                         owning a detective agency .  To
                         find out what cements them
                         together, we need to go back to the
                         very beginning at boarding school.


               INT. BOARDING SCHOOL.

                                                          ECHO CORRIDOR

                                                             CASE CLOCK

                         Dam it, it can't stand that thing
                         ticking away, tick tock the timing
                         of doom, each second closer to our 

                         Here let me help! I've got some
                         stuff, which is always useful.

                                                            CHEWING GUM


                         Gum on the pendulum its a few grams
                         but thats all it takes, that'l
                         screw it up for sure!

                                                         TICKING STARTS

                         Oh clever. I see it now, that'll
                         screw the clock but better still it
                         will mess with that bitches insane
                         need for punctuality. She won't be
                         able to figure out why it runs
                         slow. Thats a brilliant move right
                         there. I'm Sharrow May.

                         Alex, Alexandra Lucy Angel. Sooo,
                         what are you up for?

                         Hum a (pause) 'chemically' induced

                         'Chemically induced incident',
                         sounds delicious but poisonous?

                         More explosive if you get my drift,
                         managed to blow up both the new
                         fume cupboards at the lab. Never
                         really liked chemistry.

                         Go gurl, off you go then! Always
                         hated Chemistry myself, except for
                         the sections on the dangerous
                         stuff. In those I was a quick

                         What did you do?

                         I hmmm, 'disabled' the kitchens.

                         So that was the whoop bang sound
                         this morning.

                         Thats me, whoop girl! Wasn't
                         supposed to be so big, just got out
                         of hand thats all. The gas line on
                         one of the ovens got ruptured.

                         Ahhh, food was bad anyway. A little
                         destruction can't make it worse.
                         Hell, probably make it better.


                         We'll see about that, anyway it's
                         cold cuts for the next few days.

                         You do know this means lots more of
                         that asteroidal spam don't you! 

                         Yeah, sorry about that,
                         consequences of war and all. So
                         I've seen you hanging around, with
                         those goofy Sidereal girls, whats
                         the story on that.

                         Ahhh, just hanging, got to hang
                         with someone in this place
                         otherwise your a no one. What about
                         you, I heard something about your
                         parents that accident on titan,
                         some girls were talking about that
                         last month.

                         Yep. They gotta talk about
                         something thats for sure.

                         Sorry didn't mean to pry, don't
                         want to bring back any bad vibes.
                         Our butts are going to be bad
                         enough as it is.

                         I heard some rumors of similar
                         nature about you.

                         Rumors! Well I kinda just got
                         passed around, never really had
                         proper family. Mum split from Dad
                         when I was three, Dad went off
                         world, C.I.S. Special circumstances
                         division, I think, he would never
                         say. Mum had alcohol issues, she
                         took to the bottle whilst he was
                         away all the time.
                         I had a Grandma, she kinda looked
                         after me, but I was a handful, so
                         eventually it was up to this place.
                         At least you are one step up on me.

                         Why's that?

                         Well you had parents which were
                         taken from you, I never really had
                         them in the first place. 
                         Seriously, both are shitty options.
                         Its just a bad world out there. 


                         Miss Sharrow May, in my office

                         Hay if he says it hurts him more
                         than it hurts you, just don't
                         believe that line of cudgel. 

                         Shoose, she'll hear you!

                         Lets meet up after, I have some hot
                         choc sachets, they fell, into my
                         pockets in the kitchen. I know-a
                         real good place to hole up, we can
                         compare welts right!

                         Ok, just make sure there's
                         cushions. Its funny but I feel like
                         I've known you for a long time, I
                         think were going to be friends!


                         Miss Sharrow May, I do not have all

               With a frightened look, Sharrow heads into the office.

               INT. BAR

                         Oh that really makes me saddle sore
                         just thinking about it!
                         So to get a better measure of these
                         two characters and the state of
                         play at their agency. We need to
                         understand a typical day at the

                                                        TRANISTION HOOK

                                                         OFFICE AMBIENT

                                                           DISTANT RAIN

                                                           CITY AMBIENT

                         You don't have an appointment.
                         Whats the problem?

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Is this the office of Angel and May

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Here's
                         a little question for you. Look at
                         the door, what does it say?

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Look lady, you think you're so
                         smart. You going to let me in or do
                         I have to come back with a sharper
                         sense of humor and a warrant.

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         (Puts on a Watson Voice) Ah, as I
                         deduced Holmes, the subject was not
                         particularly smart and physically
                         quite unattractive too, his
                         eventual demise was inevitable.
                         (Kris changes her voice slightly)
                         Undoubtedly Watson, you powers of
                         observation are improving! 

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Look lady cut the pissy
                         If you don't open the door missy,
                         I'll give you a an applause you'll
                         never forget!

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Names not 'Missy', buster and not a
                         single atom of my soul needs
                         validation from you. So imagine the
                         level of my concern for ya (chewing
                         loudly). Go on try and open the
                         door!You look like someone with bad
                         intentions, so spare me the oh so
                         tedious architecture of your soul.
                         If you won't tell me why you need
                         to get in here, you ain't getting
                         in here, got it.

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Look we can go around this verbal
                         loop all day long, but sooner or
                         later you going to have come out to
                         pee. I know the ladies, is down the
                         corridor see. So, we going to play
                         cowboys n' Indians all day

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Oh so now you're a racist, as well
                         as an idiot!

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Alex can you hold for a second I
                         need to speak with Kris about
                         something. Got someone banging on
                         the door. Kris is having entirely
                         too much fun toying with um. 

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Kris, (pause) Kris can you come

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Shas, What's up! I have a dude
                         trying to get in, looks dodgy!
                         Enjoying having some sport!

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Yep I could hear! So look at this,
                         what do you think of this message
                         that arrived this morning? 

                                                         DISTANT RUMBLE
                                                             OF THUNDER

                         Isn't that your bad brother?

                         Yep, not heard a wink for seven
                         years and then this, somethings

                         Thats weird.

                         Yep, my thoughts too, can't get
                         over the bastard. You know he took
                         me to court over the will, then
                         after all that, I walked past him
                         after the hearings, he just
                         completely dead eye me. Straight
                         past like a zombie.

                         Jeez, that would really, really
                         piss me off for sure. I don't get
                         it, why does he want to meet now?
                         It does add up! 

                                                          DOOR KNOCKING

                         Thats exactly what I thought!

                                                           DOOR BANGING

                         If you want my advice, forget about

                                                           DOOR BANGING

                         Will you stop! Shut the F up with
                         your banging!

                                                           DOOR BANGING

                         Aaah, (pause) better let him in
                         before he breaks down the goddam

                         OK, but (puts on a silly voice) we
                         was hav'n sooo much fun. You know
                         he's going to serve a writ don't
                         you, it written all over him?

                         Yep, got that figured, but going to
                         have to deal with it.

                                                             DOOR CLOSE

                                                       LOAD THUNDER AND

                         Alex, sorry about that, we have a
                         prick beating down the office door
                         I was enjoying listening to Kris
                         sparing, brightens up the day!
                         Whoah this rains coming down! Is it
                         raining at the stake out? Its sure
                         pissing down here. Just give me a
                         min. I'll sort this end out.

                                                            FIELD RADIO

                         No rain here, sounds like black
                         clouds over your way though! 

                                                            FIELD RADIO

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Kris, has he stated any intention

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Nah, got a mean look on his ugly
                         little face though.
                         Look at those swivel squinty eyes,
                         determined thou, definitely a
                         writserver, other than that I don't
                         think he's dangerous. Not packing
                         according to read outs. Nothing we
                         can't handle.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Ok, hit that buzzer. He'll just
                         stink up the door for the rest of
                         the day. Its just not a good look,
                         also I need to pee.


                         At last!, No thanks frauline. (In a
                         really sarcastic tone) Thanks for
                         the pleasure. Question for you
                         frauline. Need to see a Miss
                         Sharrow May or a Miss Angle, are
                         they around?

                         Don't you cheek me, I'm not your
                         frauline, it's miss, a big miss, to
                         you. My mama said I shouldn't talk
                         to strange men, and you look kinda
                         coaky, but seen'n as how your
                         stinking up my desk, what were
                         those names again?


               Sharrow pooks head around from inside her office

                         OK buddy, I'm Sharrow, what do you

                         Miss Sharrow May, you're duly
                         served by order of district court
                         of Los Angeles County, this is an
                         eviction order, you have 30 days to
                         pay up or you are gone from this
                         shit hole of an office.

                         Thanks buddy, now get your sorry
                         ass out of here, we'll help you out
                         if you want.

                         I'd like to see you try, bitches,
                         have a nice day.


                         I bet he beats up on his partner,
                         uggh, yuk! Ugly son of a bitch. You
                         look a little ragged this morning,
                         not your usual self, its not that
                         writ is it?

                         Oh, Oh no I don't care about this.
                         No, its just life. A whole lot of
                         things, the email from my brother,
                         and this latest job, it doesn't
                         feel right! However, you did do a
                         number on the idiot, thats lifted
                         my spirits somewhat! Well I better
                         get back to Alex, she enjoys
                         hearing about our adventures.

                         I bet she will.


               Sharrow picks up comms device she was talking to Alex

                         Alex sorry for the interrupt, we
                         just got served for the back rent.
                         Had to call off Kris, she was

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Right on, go Kris, one for the
                         team! So Shas, is it me, or is this
                         gig, really wrong! My guts are
                         grumbling bad, and its not the
                         sandwiches. I don't know why but I
                         feel like were being played.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Well, the 'client' was a little too
                         keen perhaps. Other times I
                         wouldn't have given him a look in,
                         but we need the bucks. Hell I hate
                         taking jobs because we have to.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Know were your coming from there,
                         look I'm outa here, need a shower
                         and some decent grub. I've stuck
                         some camera's about the place, so
                         I'll call in later

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Rog on that!

                                                        TRANSITION HOOK

                                                       SOUND OF KEYS IN

               INT. ALEX & MARIE'S HOME
               (ALEX, MARIE, FELIX)

                         Hi honey I'm home! (sarcastic)


                         Whoo Ho, that smells... good.

                         Hi, honey, is my big girl working
                         all tough, digging the coal down
                         the mine, bringing in the bucks,
                         come over here and wash off the
                         dust and I'll have dinner on the
                         table in ten minutes.


                         In your dreams baby!

                         Oh, I got my hopes up there for a
                         second! Ahhh! I totally need a
                         shower and a good neck massage.


                         Hello my big furry tiger, she been
                         making funny smells all day has

                         She's been hanging around all day,
                         I think she likes the smell.


                         So this stake out, borings good
                         right? Billable hours!

                         Yep damm billable hours. Hmm, what
                         have you been cooking up in your
                         witchery ways!

                                                        KITCHEN SOUNDS,

                         I call this one 'Clear Skies' it's
                         a subtle mix of five active
                         ingredients, all top secret of
                         course. Don't ask, cos I know you
                         will, this baby is strictly on a
                         need to know basis and if you find
                         out I'll have to kill you!

                         Well it smells real encouraging,
                         hum, just like you, specially after
                         a long hot, sooo boring, stake-out!

                         Well if you like you can be my
                         chemistry girl rat for that neck
                         massage, should 'loosen' you up, if
                         you know what I mean.

                         Ohh! I like the sound of that, ...
                         but hold that thought, my sexy
                         chemist, I'm going to splash some
                         water first.

                         Hum that sounds aquatically

                         You wan-a play mermaids?

                         What gurl, you calling me fishy?


                                                        TRANSITION HOOK

               (ALEX, SHARROW)

                                                         EXTERNAL RADIO

                         Sharrow, come in! Hi I'm back on
                         point, all freshened up though,
                         squeaky clean and ready to go, like
                         a new girl guide! Camera's all
                         zilch, nada, nothing.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Eew, this is so boring. Hay, you're
                         lucky you just caught me. I
                         wandered out to check out that new
                         Thai place, its sooo good! So how's
                         MARIE, all squeaky clean now?
                         (Slightly sarcastic)

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Hay you know I'll never be clean,
                         you know me! MARIE's really good,
                         says to say hi by the way. She's
                         been playing chemistry sets,
                         brewing up her mixes again, came up
                         with something that urgently needed

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Oh yeah! I'll bet! You down wind
                         from the location!

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Sarcasm, the lowest form of wit.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Yah, its so stinky I think can
                         smell you from here! Something
                         weird happened though.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Shas, you OK, you sound a bit off.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Sorry Alex, just thinking, its
                         weird, you think you're all over
                         these sad memories and then
                         suddenly, bam! All this talk of
                         scents, just took me back to
                         Steve's terrible after shave.
                         You're lucky, you know that don't

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Yah, yes, I really do, sorry
                         Sharrow I know its been a few years
                         since you lost Steve, but its still
                         tough for you.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Yeh, seems like things been a shaky
                         lately. Then we had to take this
                         crappy job.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         OK, I know, but Sharrow, I'll
                         always have your back!

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Yeah I know. (sounding sad)

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Shas, sorry to interrupt. Your'e
                         not going to believe this!

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                                                          TECHNO BINOCS

                         Two ugly sucks just getting out of
                         a flash car. They can't see it but,
                         get this, there's some disheveled
                         dude trying to get out the back of
                         this warehouse building. Looks
                         kinda panicky. Hard to make out
                         details, theres a damm tree in the

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         OK, thats weird? Be careful, this
                         is just a view no action deal,
                         right. The client was clear on
                         that, seemed a bit skittish too.
                         You on record and monitor?

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Copy that, think, I'll just move up
                         a little to get a better angle. How
                         much do you know about this client?
                         The operatives from the car, they
                         have mob written all over them,

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Hmmm, not to much, I did some
                         checking, turned out he was a
                         lawyer for an expensive firm. It
                         smelt a little, stinky, but you
                         know, can't be fussy nowadays.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Understand. I'm going mobile to get
                         a better angle for the recordings.

                                                          CAR DOOR EXIT

                                                           FOOTSTEPS ON

                                                        TRANSITION HOOK

               EXT. WAREHOUSE
               (STAN, RICCI)

                                                           FOOTSTEPS ON

                         Did you see the match last night?

                         Ludicrous form, actually damm
                         ludicrous across the board, the
                         attack was just pathetic, made me
                         wanna cry.

                                                           DRY COUGHING

                         Huh, these F'ing rolls, dry as
                         hell. I'm sure that bitch gave me
                         the old ones. Need to wash them
                         down with something. Did you bring
                         the booze?

                         You know sometimes I think your
                         you're even dummer than you look,
                         you just can't stop mouth'n off.
                         She obviously decided you'd shut up
                         if you'd be chow'n on yesterday's

               Thug 2 laughs at his own joke

                         Well boss, just trying to blend in
                         like you said, be personable like.

                         Yah, well I didn't count on your
                         winning personality. Next time
                         might be advisable you just shut

                                                         WAREHOUSE DOOR

                         Shit, what the hell. Where the hell
                         is he? I cable-tied him tight and
                         used tape as well, how the hell did
                         he get free.

                         You dumb smerlap, your gonna get us
                         both killed. Look he must have had
                         a pocket laser. Did you look for a

                         (Mimicking) Did you look for a
                         laser. Course I did. Well ass hole
                         if we can't find him we are
                         definitely toast man, you know how
                         he is. Jesus, man, it was supposed
                         to be an easy snuff a bang job and
                         you screwed it because you can't
                         even tie up a dude. 

                                                          KICKING CHAIR

                         Working with you is always a real
                         pleasure STAN, I'm going to punch
                         you out someday. 
                         Making a noise and cursing is not
                         going to save your neck. We need to
                         find him double quick now before
                         the boss finds out.


                         He's not over here.

                         What about the back room.

                         What about the back room
                         (mimicking), you think?

                                                        TRANSITION HOOK

                                                          EXTERIOR CITY

               EXT. WAREHOUSE.
               (RICCI, ALEX, SHARROW, STAN)

                         Oh, you, Freeze!

                         Uggh! Son of bitch!

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Alex you Ok?

                                                         INTERCOM CLICK

                         Yep, just peachy.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         What's up?

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         I've torn my damm new jeans, thats
                         whats up. I'm going to kick these A
                         holes so hard. Wait one, Guys
                         baring down, wait , wait, Oh damm.

                         Oh! You! Freeze!

                         Dam it, you dum gumshoe Alex,
                         always in the line of fire! OK lets
                         test this flechette.

                                                       FLETCHETE AIMING

                         Come on, come on my bee babies!

                                                            PISTOL SHOT

                         Son of a bitch. Come on, come on,
                         light the targets. Ok, now we find
                         out who has the biggest gun! 

                                                       FLETCHETE SECOND

                         Argh! What the hell!

                         Got ya! Oh that looks painful! Now
                         I know how Robin Hood felt.

                         F You! Do you know who, you're
                         dealing with bitch!

                         Hold still you dicks, it will only
                         hurt more!


                         Wash your mouths out, oh I'll do it
                         for you. Guess what, I'm not full
                         of little arrows am I now? Thats
                         for ruining my jeans you ugly
                         bastards, next time you squeeze off
                         without looking, make sure you're
                         not trying to kill the wrong

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Shas, come in, can you register,
                         two armed assailants to the cops
                         and get them down here. They
                         squeezed off at me without any
                         confirmation. Make it clear, I
                         fired back in self defence.
                         Make sure the cops know that right?
                         Another got out the window at the
                         rear and legged it. Ran off towards
                         west gate, I can't pursue as I'm
                         dealing with the two pricks who
                         went for me. Perhaps the cops can
                         pick him up, blue shirt torn, dark
                         hair, black trousers 5'7"sort of

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Roger, got that. You OK? Call going
                         through immediately. 

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Yep OK, out of breath from the
                         excise. Note no DOA's here,
                         reluctantly used non lethal

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Roger. You should hang around, get
                         the pics from the camera's to the
                         cops. I really don't want our
                         license revoked and you know how
                         they get the nickers in a twist
                         over live fire situations. I'll
                         give Fred a call down at Central at
                         least he'll let you have a coffee
                         and hold them off as little.

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Roger that. Think it will be best
                         to show them all the video?

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Yep, lets be clean on this, full

                                                         INTERCOM NOISE

                         Well OK Then, see you soonish.

               (SOKOLOV, STAN, RICCI)

                                                        NIGHTCLUB THUMP

                         So please be explaining to me, how
                         our target got away and pay
                         particular attention, to this, how
                         you say, this 'warrior women' who
                         shoots at you fools. Yes be very
                         clear on that particular point.

                         Boss she was waiting for us, we
                         came around the corner and she shot
                         us with arrows.

                         It was over in a second, we were
                         down and the bitch came over and
                         tied us up and called the cops.

                         So did this woman say she knew
                         about what we were doing? How did
                         she overcome two men?

                         Looked fairly handy with a large
                         gun, moved like ex military. She
                         was talking to someone else on a
                         comms set, like it was a planned

                         A planned operation, you mean that
                         they were working for the

                         Yes a stake out maybe. We were set
                         up. She was medium height, looked
                         about 50 I guess, not young. She
                         was muscly though.

                         Don't kill us boss, we did our

                         Ahh, you are truly pathetic. This
                         is the third time you have let me
                         down, you understand.
                         You know we don't like untidiness,
                         its not the way we play. Hold them


               Ricci and Stan are injected and die horribly!

                                                           DRY COUGHING

                         Remove these fools, tidy my office.
                         Send three teams to these private
                         investigators, who are working for
                         the opposition. My Police contact
                         gave me this Venice beach address.
                         So boys, its important you make a
                         statement even though they are just
                         pawns in a bigger game. Eradicate
                         them and destroy their office, that
                         will show the opposition that pawns
                         will be removed in the same manner
                         as players.

                                                        TRANSITION HOOK

               INT. THE AGENCY OFFICE.
               (ALEX, KRIS, SHARROW, SLIM)


                         Ahhh, Gurl I really, really  need a
                         decent coffee, where's that
                         coffee?(sounding tired)

                                                         COFFEE MACHINE

                         It's been a long day. Ohh, thats
                         smells good. Say wanna know the
                         good news?

                                                         COFFEE MACHINE

                         Let me guess, you pulled a naughty
                         gun gurl!

                         I did, and better still it actually
                         worked! Only problem is now its
                         used I need a name for it. Hmmm
                         something beginning with M, Marion
                         perhaps, after Maid Marion, no I
                         think its more matronly.
                         "Mildred" sounds good, after my
                         dear old Nana, she used to kick
                         ass. Mind you it was mainly mine. 

                         I'll bet. Mildred, so militarily
                         sensual, I can see marching and
                         medals, lots of them!

                                                       COFFEE AVAILABLE

                         I hate those cops, you know it took
                         two hours in processing, those
                         jerks down at central, acting all
                         high and mighty. Pretended not to
                         know me. Those office jerks can be
                         real arseholes, I think they just
                         hate us for getting some action. 

                         Maybe it was your good looks and
                         winning personality! 


                         So this 'Mildred', she looks kinda

                         Shush, you'll hurt her feelings.
                         She's a bit of an old gurl, real
                         throw back, a kinda lazy, hazy,
                         crazy gun, from my more 'energetic'
                         days in CIS. Officially its a H&K
                         I.D.S. Fifteen dash thirty power
                         Flechette rifle. 

                         Ohh really, well that sounds so
                         soldierly of you. The IDS sounds
                         like the old tax man. What's she
                         do, tax you out of existence?

                         Shush, cut it out, she's very
                         easily hurt, you'll be grateful for
                         'Mildred' one day. IDS means
                         independently, deployed and
                         steered, just in case you want to
                         expand your mind! 

                         My mind is fully expanded due to a
                         misspent youth, thanks for nothing!

                         It's a little monster that fires
                         these little arrows see.

                         Ohh, they look so sharp. So you're
                         now officially our Robin Hood!

                         Thats us gurl, stopping all those
                         nasty 'Robbing Hoods'. See you
                         first point the aimer at the
                         target. Its a little bitty infra
                         red laser, they can't see it but I
                         can with the sweet view finder. 

                         Oh that sounds disco, sexy to me.

                         Well then, you must be right, disco
                         sexy it is. We get to dance some
                         too. I pull this thing here and all
                         these bad girls come out to play
                         see. They'll go round corners an

                         Puts the 'base in your step', as
                         they say ha!

                         Certainly does. Pulls this and It's
                         disco time at 'Rancho Robin Hood',
                         where I'm the hero, your Maid
                         Marion and the bad guys are making
                         like a tree full of arrows. Bish,
                         bash, bosh.  Add some post party
                         disco lights and its story over,
                         red rover. Score: Bad Sheriff of
                         Nottingham zero, hero one. Course
                         it's banned in all civilized
                         countries, and all over really,
                         which is a bit of a downer, I had
                         to bribe one of the cops to look
                         the other way. They outlawed it in
                         2025 after the riots. Proved kinda
                         tetchy in crowds.

                         What a bummer, who doesn't like a
                         disco queen, with a bass beat magic

                         Yep, guess its the kinda dance that
                         even the authorities didn't like.
                         Cramped their authoritarian style. 

                         They never like cool music man, its
                         a conspiracy!


                         Mind you I had to wimp, just a
                         sleeper charges, very non terminal.
                         Oh yes Krisy Kringle my good
                         friend, this disco queen can be a
                         very, very, very bad girl at times.


                         Are you two are quite finished.

                         Just talking disco with Alex she
                         likes to dance I think.

                         Oh she likes to dance alright but
                         not the way you think Kris! Alex
                         have a look at this. So whilst you
                         two queens have had a love in, I've
                         actually been working. Made a few
                         calls around about and as I
                         suspected, things aren't as simple
                         as they appear. The contact at
                         central, was quite skittish, really
                         warned me off the whole case. You
                         know I always said the guy who
                         dropped this pile of doo doo was a
                         'back birth'. Well it looks like he
                         was involved with the Krabbenhoft's
                         or the Russians, either way they
                         will be real pissed off and come
                         after us. What the hell is that?

                         What, Oh that, slight nick that's
                         all, don't panic, all cleaned up.

                         I'm not panicking, just don't want
                         you bleeding all over my floor,
                         especially with those dodgy disco

                         Well firstly its OUR floor and
                         secondly I don't have the energy to
                         bleed like that!
                         So, these bad guys, sounds like
                         either the Krabbenhoft's or the
                         Russians, but experience says
                         they'll definitely come for tea.
                         Question is do we get out the bone

                         Yep, definitely bone china. If they
                         come calling, we  were picked
                         because we would be an easy cut
                         out, also they always smell

                         Well if they are coming for tea we
                         need the full tea set. 

                         Kris I think you should start learn
                         about our "F' protocol.

                         'F' protocol whats that?

                         Actually she means the 'F' off
                         protocol, door locked, blinds down
                         desk away from line of site etc.

                         Makes no odds Kris they'll hunt us
                         down, better here than anywhere.
                         Alex call MARIE, tell her to go to
                         her Mum's immediately.

                         I was thinking the same thing

                         So you really think they will come

                         Don't know really, but we might be
                         the meat in the sandwich. It is
                         better to be safe than sorry.

                         OK I have sent her the emergency

                         Smart girl that MARIE. Alex what do
                         you think should 'Malcolm' come out
                         to play, 'Mildred' might need a

                         I do think 'Malcolm' would very
                         much enjoy a dance.

                         Who the hell is Malcolm? You guys
                         always speaking cryptically! 

                         Oh you'll see Kris! He is the disco
                         queens bad boyfriend, the one that
                         the parents do not approve of! One
                         things for sure, he sure loves to

                         Now its at this point I need to
                         interject because there's one vital
                         point I forgot to mention. Imagine
                         a bad pharmaceutical company, what
                         sort of things would they get up to
                         after all they have lots of cash
                         and biotech, but it all needs

                                                        TRANSITION HOOK

               INT. THE AGENCY OFFICE.
               (ALEX, KRIS, SHARROW, SLIM)

                                                          TENSION MUSIC

                         Kris can you move that desk a
                         little I need a little more room
                         for 'Malcolm' here.

                                                             DESK SCRAP

                         Hows that?

                         Perfect, now I just need to steady
                         the tripod and get the angle right.

                                                             GUN SET UP

                         I never like that damm carpet

                         Yeah the carpet will be the least
                         of the redecorating!

                         Thats an auto gun isn't it.

                         Good guess, yep a little bastard,
                         up to 1500 rounds per minute,
                         electrically driven from these
                         batteries, gets real hot though so
                         I usually program bursts and you
                         have to feed the beast, which is
                         the dangerous part. If it jams it
                         could be real bad. Its all greased
                         up thou so no worries and I have
                         the remote laid out so we'll be

                         I have put a concealed camera at
                         the window and have hacked the
                         lobby camera's for extra coverage.
                         What worries me is the exit

                         Yep that's a real bother to me as
                         well, we only have one way out, if
                         they cover that its a bust. Its
                         also down stairs outside the
                         building not cool for a fast exit,
                         they could just set up to spray
                         that and its game over.

                         I have an idea for that, do you
                         know about the old waste disposal
                         shaft, its very stinky but it leads
                         straight down to the basement.
                         Perfect for you guys! Its boarded
                         up after they converted these to

                         Hay, you going to have to use it
                         too! So where exactly were is the
                         entrance can you show me.


                         Its about here behind this drywall.

                         OK stand back, I'll get the fire

                                                         FIRE AXE MEETS

                         Alex two black vans pulling up

                         OK got that. Kris grab these bins
                         and get them ready to put in the
                         back office, can you grab the sand
                         buckets in the fire closets and tip
                         them into these bins, get as much
                         in as you can I'm going out to
                         check the other offices and case
                         anyone inside.


                         Hello, hello, anyone in, hello,


                         OK coast is clear, lets get to the
                         back behind the sand bins.


                         Sharrow can you see the monitors
                         from behind the bins with kris?

                         Yep, two guys exiting with black
                         bags, two groups one lot going
                         around back of the building. Five
                         minutes and they'll be here.

                                                        CUPBOARDS BEING

                         Sharrow any change.

                         There are out of view of the window
                         cameras, I guess they are
                         cautiously ascending the stairs
                         wells, it's what I would do, I'm
                         switching to the cameras in the

                         Roger on that. So heres the plan,
                         we let them get them right up here
                         to the door, we will let them try
                         and break in and then I'll give
                         them a small spray, that will
                         remove team A. Then they'll have a
                         team B of course and they'll hold
                         back, once they see their buddies
                         having a bad day, they open fire
                         and move out, I'll give those guys
                         another spray as well, after that
                         we will be outa ammo, they'll try
                         and get us from the back direction
                         of course, but before that we
                         skedaddle down the waste chute and
                         go to ground. OK?

                                                         MUFFLED VOICES

                         There in the corridor (whispered),
                         I can hear them.

                         OK, you ready to dance you
                         bastards? Look there's four of
                         them. I bet there is another team
                         holding back as well.

                                                        TRANSITION HOOK

               INT. BAR
               (SLIM, ALEX, KRIS, SHARROW)

                         So let me interject here, just
                         wanted to warn you folks what is
                         about to happen is real bad stuff,
                         its the sort of thing cornered
                         animals will do. After all their
                         fighting for their lives!

               INT. ANGEL AND MAY'S OFFICE
               (ALEX, KRIS, SHARROW)

                         OK, ear plugs in and get those eye
                         protectors on you two!

                         OH I'm scared!

                         You're scared, well I'm scared too
                         but here goes.

                                                        EXPLOSION, MINI
                                                       GUN, SPLINTERING
                                                          WOOD, SCREAMS

                         Start feeding the belts

                         Jeez end of the world, that thing.

                         I need to fit the second ammo belt,
                         cover me Sharrow.

                                                             GUN RELOAD

                         Roger that.

                         Get in you bastard!

                         Alex get back here now.

                         Kris thats belts tangled, fix it
                         will you, push the red button down,
                         I'll move the joystick.

                         Sorry, sorry!

                         Its OK, Kris, its good now. OK Get

                                                       GUN, SPLINTERING
                                                          WOOD, SCREAMS

                         Come on guys, get into the back
                         room. Get that protection on you
                         arms and legs we need it for the

                         Hell it stinks! Urgh OK I'm in I'll
                         start to make my way down, don't
                         fall on me. Alex you OK?

                         I think so.

                         Argh. Oh shit!

                                                       DESCENDING CHUTE

                         OK Kris get in here!

                         You're sure?

                         Never been surer, get in here now!

                                                       DESCENDING CHUTE

                         Ohhh ugh!

                         Go on Mildred, go down on the rope,

                                                       DESCENDING CHUTE

                         Ahh, ahhh, this is slippery as


                         Watch out Kris I'm coming!


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